Responsibilities - Université de Moncton
L'Université de Moncton has the following responsibilities:
- to provide students and employers with its policies and procedures;
- to connect the employer and the students and coordinate the recruitment process as well as other procedures;
- to ensure employment equity for students and employers;
- to ensure that the placements offer are of an appropriate for the level and area of study;
- to comply with ethical and legal guidelines when providing employers with information about students;
- to notify the employer if a student who has been hired fails to maintain the academic standard required to participate in the Co-op program;
- to adhere to federal and provincial regulations regarding access to information, labour standards and human rights;
- to ensure adequate follow-up, including a meeting with the employer for feedback;
- to provide students with the necessary support and guidance, continuing personal and professional education, according to the workplace entry model;
- to enthusiastically promote co-op education in the business community on an ongoing basis;
- to develop and maintain a network of prospective employers;
- to adhere to the philosophy and the guidelines of co-operative education as defined by the Co-operative education and work-integrated learning Canada (CEWIL / ECAMT Canada).