Laboratoire des sciences hydriques

Hydrosciences Lab

Laboratoire des sciences hydriques

Université de Moncton

Laboratoire des sciences hydriques

Hydrosciences Lab

Laboratoire des sciences hydriques

Université de Moncton

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Catamaran Brook

Catamaran Brook


What affects water quality and fish in our rivers? Many things! 

To answer this important question, researchers from different fields of science, including researchers from the Climatic and Hydroscience Lab, work together and share valuable data.  The Catamaran Brook Habitat Research Project was designed as a multi-disciplinary partnership program to better understand water quality and fish habitat issues.  As such, this project has the objective of better understanding and quantifying physical (mainly river hydrology and hydraulics), chemical and biological attributes both under natural conditions as well as subject to human perturbations (forestry activities, climate change, etc.).

This long-term multi-disciplinary project has produced leading edge research since 1989 with over 100 papers published so far.


Research focus:

  • Impact of timber harvesting on hydrology
  • Sedimentation
  • Thermal regime of rivers
  • Physical habitat characterisation
  • Hydrologic cycle and meteorology




Catamaran Brook Meteorological Station

Catamaran Brook Hydrometric Station (real time data)