Symposium MACAS 2022

Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences

Symposium MACAS 2022

Campus de Shippagan

Symposium MACAS 2022

Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences

Symposium MACAS 2022

Campus de Shippagan


MACAS 2022 - Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences

Université de Moncton, Campus de Shippagan, Shippagan, Canada.
August 16 – 19, 2022

We are happy to announce that, in 2022, MACAS will be again organised in Canada – this time the symposium will be held virtually from the Université de Moncton, Campus de Shippagan in Shippagan, New Brunswick.

MACAS 2022 targets researchers and educators from mathematics, sciences, arts, humanities, philosophy, educational sciences, and other disciplines that are intrinsically connected to mathematics. Previous MACAS meetings have shown that there is more than one way of approaching these connections in research and practice. Therefore, in seeking to examine more closely the future challenges and role of interdisciplinary mathematics education in the Anthropocene era, we open ourselves to a wide range of contributions, for example, to the following topics:

  • Theoretical investigations of the relations between mathematics, arts, and sciences.
  • Curricular approaches integrating mathematics and sciences.
  • Importance of mathematical modelling and interdisciplinarity for studying and learning mathematics.
  • Importance of arts, sciences and humanities for the understanding of the mathematics in ordinary everyday situations.
  • Historical and intercultural dimensions of studying mathematics.
  • Critical issues in STEM and STEAM education.
  • Mathematical creativity from interdisciplinary perspective.
  • The role of technology in connecting mathematics, arts, and sciences.