Symposium MACAS 2022

Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences

Symposium MACAS 2022

Campus de Shippagan

Symposium MACAS 2022

Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences

Symposium MACAS 2022

Campus de Shippagan

Call For Papers

Call For Papers

Deadline: April 30th 2022 (midnight ADT).

Proposals must be submitted by filling out the following form : Submit proposal

The format is a Word-compatible text file (Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 space between lines). The length of the proposal is between 500 and 1000 words. The proposal should contain a title, authors’ information (affiliation and contact e-mail address, at least for the first author), goal of the communication with a clear explanation of connection to one of the MACAS topics (although we are open to other ideas of topics). The communication can present a completed research, ongoing research, theoretical analysis, or practical examples of interdisciplinary teaching and learning.

After the first round of review by the International Scientific Committee, they will send you a letter of acceptance. Following the symposium, there will be a double-blind peer-review publication of full papers with more details provided during the symposium.

If you have any questions, contact us at the following email address: