Annual Report 2016-2017 - page 24

2016-2017 Annual Report
The Edmundston campus is an active
contributor to positioning the Université
de Moncton as the centre of excellence
in the research and publication of
Acadian and minority studies at the
national and international levels. This
research niche is a strategic priority
for the Université de Moncton.
The first scientific work, from a series
of five, that followed the “L’Acadie dans
tous ses défis” symposium, was released
last January at the Edmundston campus.
Organized as part of the Congrès
mondial acadien (CMA), in Acadia of
the Lands and Forests, this great
multidisciplinary event was chaired by
Vice-President Jacques Paul Couturier
at the Edmundston campus. Attended
by 200 participants, the conference
was a privileged space for the debate of
ideas and reflection fuelled by research
on Acadia, acadianness and the future
of the Acadian people.
The journal
, specializing
in the study of the history of Atlantic
Canada, devoted its entire Summer/
Autumn 2016 edition to texts prepared
following the symposium and written
only in French. This was a first for this
magazine since its creation 45 years
ago. This issue was published under the
direction of two professors from the
Edmundston campus: Julien Massicotte
and Nicole Lang. It includes various
Le Madawaska entre marche
et région frontalière au 19
siècle ou
les limites de la construction étatique
américaine [Madawaska Between Market
and Border Area in the 19
Century or
the Limits of American State Building];
Entre commémoration et festivité :
l’interprétation conflictuelle du Grand
Dérangement chez l’élite acadienne
[Between Commemoration and Festiv-
ity: the Conflicted Interpretation of the
Great Upheaval Among the Acadian
Elite]; L’Acadie et la Seconde Guerre
mondiale [Acadia and the Second World
War]; Lieux de mémoire et cérémonies
commémoratives : les représentations
de l’Acadie au Madawaska [Places of
Remembrance and Commemorative
Ceremonies: Representations of Acadia
in Madawaska]; Une Acadie qui bouge :
la présence acadienne dans l’histoire
de la Fédération des travailleurs et
travailleuses du Nouveau-Brunswick
[Acadia on the Move: the Acadian
Presence in the History of the New
Brunswick Federation of Labour];
Les Acadiennes et le marché du travail :
les revendications et les stratégies des
militantes (1968-1991) [Acadian
ublication of scientific
works on Acadia
Scientific impacts of the latest CMA at the Edmundston campus
1...,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32
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