Annual Report UdeM 2012- 2013 - page 7

Alain Simard
, a chemistry and biochemistry department professor, received a
$339,605 grant from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation to set up a laboratory
for the study of neuroimmunology interactions and their role in the development of
neurodegenerative diseases. This funding comes from the Leaders Fund, a program
offering options to fund infrastructure as well as project operating costs. He also is
receiving operational funding in the amount of $300,000 for three years from the
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada.
During his sabbatical,
Roger G. LeBlanc
, a kinesiology and recreation
school professor, taught and participated in research on the sociology
of sports in Havana, Cuba. The Manuel Fajardo University for
Sports Sciences (UCCFD) has more than 1,500 students and about
400 professors,ten of which solely in the area of sports sociology.
Mr. LeBlanc also presented a mediated lecture in Spanish on
the 30-30-30 workplace well-being strategy at the International
Conference on Physical Education and Sport Science with a focus on women and girls.
Ann Beaton
, a faculty of health sciences and community services
school of psychology professor and a recently renewed, 5 year, tier
2 Canada Research Chair in Intergroup Relations, was named
researcher of the month by the New Brunswick Health Research
Foundation. The Foundation celebrates researchers for having
achieved excellence and leadership in patient-oriented health
research, applied medicine and innovation. In the last 12 years,
Dr. Beaton has received over $1.5 million in research funding from
agencies such as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council, Canada Foundation for Innovation and Canadian Institutes for Health Research.
She mentored close to 40 graduate students and contributed over 75 articles/book chapters,
reports and presentations at national and international conferences.
Dr. Jalila Jbilou
, a researcher at the Centre de formation médicale du Nouveau-Brunswick
(CFMNB), is participating as a co-researcher in a project entitled “Personalized Risk
Stratification for Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer”. The project is funded
by Genome Canada’s Large-scale Applied Research Project fund and the Canadian Institutes
for Health Research through a Government of Canada grant.
Chedly Belkhodja
, a political science department professor, was in residence at Migrinter
at Université de Poitiers. Migrinter is a research lab specializing in the study of international
migrations and ethnic relations. Professor Belkhodja researches immigration issues related
to medium-size cities located in regions with low immigration rates. He also prepares
speeches and papers on cultural, religious and ethnic diversity.
Two articles by
Donatien Avelé
, a faculty of administration
accounting department professor, have been approved
and presented at the International Conference of Critical
Accounting, held in New York. The two articles were published
respectively in the
International Journal of Critical
and the
International Journal of Economics
and Accounting
The documentary
Scoring With Science
was premiered in November 2012 on the Discovery
Alain Haché
, a physics and astronomy department professor, took part in the
production of the documentary which explores how various advancements in science are
helping hockey players improve their performance on ice and reveals how best to shoot a puck.
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