Annual Report UdeM 2012- 2013 - page 5

Julie Caissie
, from Dieppe, was awarded a scholarship for academic
excellence by the Baxter and Alma Ricard Foundation to complete
her doctoral studies in education at the Université de Moncton.
The scholarship is valued at about $35,000.
Daniel Saulnier
, a business administration student, was the recipient of the prestigious Frank H.
Sobey Award of Excellence in Business Studies. He was also named Student Entrepreneur Provincial
Champion by Enactus Canada, an organization promoting progress through entrepreneurial action.
Daniel is co-owner of Memories2Go, a portable photo booth rental company that offers instant print
souvenirs for special events. He manages the company with business partner,
Pascal Degrâce
also a student at the Université de Moncton.
Manon Jolicoeur
, a Université de Moncton education doctoral student, is one of five winners of the
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHTC) Storytellers challenge. Launched for the
first time this year, the competition aims at better communicating innovative research in human
sciences. Ms. Jolicoeur submitted a short video introducing the participants to her project entitled
Lire, ça compte
(Reading Matters). Since 2009, she has been cooperating with Southeastern
New Brunswick hockey coaches develop hockey club reading clubs.
Six Université de Moncton students took
part in the Northeast Undergraduate
Research & Development Symposium
(NURDS 2013) held at the University
of New England, in Maine. Université
de Moncton students fared very well
at the international conference. Of
Roxane Pelletier
finished first in the oral presentations
Stéphanie St-Pierre
(biochemistry) was among the ten best poster presentations. The
other participants from the university,
Pierre Lyons
Ann-Marie Bernier
Jérémie Bannister
(biochemistry) and
Martin Chiasson
(physics) received
very good observations. This was the first time that students from the Université de Moncton
took part in this conference.
Three multidisciplinary arts students and an Edmundston
campus professor are members of the new Edmundston
Youth Secretariat, a ten-member body. The students are
Mathieu Lemieux
Stéphanie Beaulieu
and the professor, Jean-François Saucier,
from the business administration department.
During the 32
edition of the Atlantic Undergraduate Physics and Astronomy Conference
(AUPAC 2013) held at the l’Université de Moncton,
Nicolas LeBlanc
, a physics and astronomy
department student, won first prize in the Photonics Award sponsored by Lamdba Guard for
his presentation concerning the speed of light in a quantum vacuum. About 100 students
from universities across Atlantic Canada participated in the conference.
An article by doctoral student
Samuel Haché
, entitled “Experimental evidence for an ideal
free distribution in a breeding population of a territorial songbird”, prepared under joint direction
with the University of Alberta, was on the front page of the April edition of the American scientific
(volume 94, no 4). Samuel Haché is supervised by department of biology
professor Marc-André Villard.
Three members of the Université de Moncton Aigles Bleues women’s hockey team were honored
during the Atlantic University Sports (AUS) championship game held in Sackville.
was named on the AUS rookie team;
Kaitlyn Gallaway
, on the second AUS all-star team
Marie-Pier Arsenault
, on the first AUS all-star team.
Alexa-Maude Mallais
Jason MacKenzie
, were chosen Université de Moncton female and male
athletes for 2012 during the annual gala held in April. Soccer player
Donya Salomon-Ali
, from
LaSalle, Quebec, and hockey player
Raphaël Pouliot
, from Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, were named
female and male rookie of the year. Athletics team pilot
Steve LeBlanc
was named coach of the year.
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