Communications et Publications

Communications et Publications

Communications et Publications

Conferences (Oral presentations & Posters)

  1. Belbraouet S, Bénali M. Contribution à l'élaboration d'une nouvelle farine lactée à base de pois-chiche germé. 3è Journées Scientifiques du GERM, Dakar 1987.
  2. Bénali M, Belbraouet S, Brettschneider I. Quantification de différentes fractions de collagène de peau de rat au cours d'une carence protéique suivie d'une réalimentation équilibrée. 4è Journées Scientifiques du GERM, Spa 1989.
  3. Belbraouet S, Quillot D, Pelletier X, Floquet J, Debry G. Influence du carbonate de calcium alimentaire lors de carcinogenèse colique chimio-induite chez le rat Wistar. 5è Journées Scientifiques du GERM, Montpellier 1992.
  4. Belbraouet S, Felden F, Pelletier X, Lambert D, Guéant J.L, Debry G. Protective effect of dietary calcium salts against chemically induced colon carcinogenesis in rat. 8th International Symposium on Cofactor Interactions and Cancer Prevention, Nice 1993.
  5. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Debry G. Effet protecteur du calcium alimentaire lors de la carcinogenèse colique chimio-induite chez le rat Wistar. Congrès Scientifique ‘’Nutrition et santé autour de la méditerranée’’, Marseille 1995.
  6. Pelletier X, Vigneron-Cavaré S, Belbraouet S, Debry G. Interaction between dietary calcium and fatty acids: study in dairy products. International Dairy Foundation (IDF), Nutrition week, Paris 14-16 juin 1995.
  7. Belbraouet S, Bouchikhi B, Debry G. Nitrates et nitriques : présence dans l’eau et les végétaux, effets toxiques et analyse par HPLC. Second Colloque Maghrébin sur la Biologie Végétale et l’Environnement, Annaba 28 & 29 octobre 1997.
  8. Bouchikhi B, Belbraouet S, Debry G. Nitrates et nitrites: présence dans l'eau et les végétaux, effets toxiques et analyse par HPLC. Second Colloque Maghrébin sur la Biologie Végétale et l'Environnement, Annaba 28 & 29 octobre 1997.
  9. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Bouchikhi B, Debry G. Effect of dietary calcium salts in chemically-induced rat colon carcinogenesis evaluated and laminin P1 blood level. 16th international Congress of Nutrition, Montreal 1997.
  10. Belbraouet S, Bouchikhi B, Pelletier X, Debry G. Technology and nutritive value of fermented milk. 21e Bienal de la Real Sociedad de Chimica, Cadiz 1997.
  11. Belbraouet S, Benhassaïni H, Latreche A, Riazi A. Intérêt agro-écologique et composition biochimique de Pistacia vera et Pistacia atlantica. Colloque International sur les Ressources végétales, Agadir 23-25 avril 1998.
  12. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Bouchikhi B, Debry G. Effet protecteur du calcium lors de la carcinogenèse colique expérimentale. XXVII Congrès Médical Maghrébin, Casablanca 18-20 mai 1998.
  13. Bouchikhi B, Belbraouet S, Debry G. Exposition et détection par chemiluminescence des cancérigènes de l’alimentation : les N-nitrosamines. XXVVII Congrès Médical Maghrébin, Casablanca 18-20 mai 1998.
  14. Belbraouet S, Riazi A, Bouchikhi B, Bénali M. Cinética de bioconversiòn de los azúcares de dátiles de desecho a ethanol por Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Reunion de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis, Cádiz 1999.
  15. Bénali M, Belbraouet S, Bouchikhi B, Riazi A. Caracterizaciòn de un catalizador : El plasminsefarosa conjugado. Reunion de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis, Cádiz 1999.
  16. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Guéant J.L, Debry G. Dietary calcium salts as protective agents and laminin P1 as biochemical marker in chemically induced colon carcinogenesis in rat.  International Congress on Pathology, Birmingham, 15-17 mai 2000.
  17. Baadid N, Moussaoui M, Belbraouet S. Production de protéines d’organismes unicellulaires cultivés sur Corn Steep Liquor et évaluation nutritionnelle de la biomasse. Biomasse : production et valorisation, Alger 20-21 juin 2001.
  18. Belbraouet S.; Gray-DonaldK; O'loughlin J;  Paradis G. Clustering of chronic disease risk factors in children in low-income multiethinic neighborhoods in Montreal. Annual Meeting of the American College of Epidemiology, Albuquerque, (2002).
  19. Massé P, Dosy J, Tranchant C, Belbraouet S. Changes in lifestyle, body composition, dietary intakes and blood lipids in early menopause in relation to risks of cardiovascular disease. FASEB, San Diego 11-15 avril 2003.
  20. Belbraouet S, Khaled MB. Jeûne de ramadan et femmes obèses diabétiques type 2: effets sur la consommation alimentaire et sur l’anthropométrie. 4e réunion annuelle SQLNM, Syndrome métabolique et diabète: pathophysiologie et considérations thérapeutiques, Sainte-Foy 24-26 avril 2003.
  21. Belbraouet S, Biaudet H, Chau N, Tébi A, Tranchant C, Massé P, Debry G. Serum trace elements in hospitalized and healthy elderly: a case control study. 2nd Congress of the International Academy of Nutrition and Aging. Albuquerque, 10-12 juillet 2003.
  22. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Debry G. Laminin P1 as biochemical marker in chemically induced colon carcinogenesis in rat. Predictive Oncology & Intervention StrategiesMolecular Basis of Oncogenesis & Cancer Control; Nice, 7-10 février 2004.
  23. Khaled MB, Bénali M, Belbraouet S. Jeûne de ramadan et femmes obèses diabétiques type 2 : effets sur les paramètres biochimiques. SQLNM, Cinquième réunion annuelle; Stress oxydatif dans les désordres lipidiques : cause ou produit, Sainte-Foy 29 avril au 1er mai 2004.
  24. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Floquet J, Derby G. Dietary calcium exhibits a protective effect in colon carcinogenesis depending on their chemical form: role of fecal pH. World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, 16-19 juin 2004.
  25. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Riottot M, Debry G. Colon tumor incidence and fecal bile acid in rats fed high fat diets and varying forms of supplemental calcium. Bile Acid Biology and its Therapeutic Implications, XVIII International Bile Acid Meeting, Stockholm, 18-19 juin 2004.
  26. Belbraouet S, Chau N., Tébi A, Debry G.Anthropometric characteristics of hospitalized female elderly. 4th European Congress on Nutrition and Health in the Elderly, Toulouse 4-5 novembre 2004.
  27. Badid N, Moussaoui A, Belbraouet S. Étude quantitative des protéines microbiennes obtenues par des procédés fermentaires de Aspergillus niger en cultures pure et mixte. 1er Séminaire de Microbiologie, Hammamet, Tunisie, 19-22 December 2004.
  28. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Debry G. Calcium lactate but not carbonate exhibits a protective effect in colon carcinogenesis chemically induced in Wistar rats. World Congress of Gastroenterology, Montreal 10-14 septembre 2005.
  29. Khaled MB, Bénali M, Bouchikhi B, Belbraouet S. Nutritive value of leben, a manufactured fermented milk. EFFoST 2005 Conference, Valencia, 25-28 octobre 2005.
  30. Belbraouet S, Tebi A, Chau N, Debry G. Anthropometric parameters of healthy elderly from a French area. World Congress on Obesity in the Elderly, Rome, January 23-27 2006.
  31. Belbraouet S, Tebi A, Chau N, Debry G. Anthropometric characteristics of French elderly. CGS annual scientific meeting, Vancouver, 20-22 avril 2006.
  32. Badid N., Ghomari S., Belbraouet S. Breast Cancer and bile acid metabolism. Deuxième congres international de biochimie Agadir, 9-12 mai 2006.
  33. Belbraouet S, Choquet M, Falissard B, Chau N, Lorhandicap Group. Obesity, overweight, and underweight and cardiovascular diseases in elderly population. VIIIe Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et gériatrie, Ville de Québec, 1er au 4 octobre 2006.
  34. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Debry G. Protective effect of supplemental calcium lactate vs carbonate in experimental colon carcinogenesis. Falk Symposium 158 Intestinal Inflammation and Colorectal Cancer March 23-24, 2007, Séville.
  35. Chau N., Belbraouet S., Baumann M., Spitz E., Choquet M., Ravaud J.F., Falissard B., Lorhandicap group. Associations of obesity and deprivation with falls in the elderly: a population-based study Congress Medicine, Ageing & Nutrition September 5-8, 2007, Adelaide.
  36. Belbraouet S., Ravaud J.F., Chau N., Lorhandicap group. Association between obesity and musculoskeletal disorders in the elderly: a population-based study. Congress Medicine, Ageing & Nutrition September 5-8, 2007, Adelaide.
  37. Chau N., Belbraouet S., Ravaud J.F., Lorhandicap group. Relationships of obesity with fatigue and depression, and roles of lifestyle factors in the elderly: a population-based study. Geriatrics 2008, 5-8 April 2008, Antalya.
  38. Belbraouet S., Ravaud J.F., Falissard B., Choquet M., Chau N., Lorhandicap group. Associations of obesity with physical, sensorial and cognitive disabilities, and roles of lifestyle factors in the elderly: a population-based study. Geriatrics 2008, 5-8 April 2008, Antalya.
  39. Khaled MB, Belbraouet S. L’alimentation durant le jeûne du ramadan induit un déséquilibre lipidique chez le diabétique de type 2 obèse. 9e réunion annuelle Société québécoise de lipidologie, de nutrition et de métabolisme 1-3 mai 2008, Laval.
  40. Badid N, Mezouk H, Belbraouet S. Évaluation de l’état du stress oxydant chez une population de femmes atteintes d’un cancer du sein dans la wilaya de Tlemcen. 2e Congrès international de nutrition, 17-18 octobre 2008, Hammamet.
  41. Khaled M., Belbraouet S. Ramadan fasting diet induces a lipid metabolism disorder in type 2 diabetic obese women Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy) October 30-November 2, 2008, Barcelona.
  42. Khaled M., Belbraouet S. Lipid metabolism disorder is the result of Ramadan-style diet pattern among type 2 diabetic obese women. Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy) October 30-November 2, 2008, Barcelona.
  43. N. Badid, H. Merzouk, S. Belbraouet, S.A. MerzouK, N. Mokhtari, R. Benhabib, C. Abiayad, D. Hamzaoui, A. Bakhtaoui, S. Belhadi, Tlemcen, Algeria. Évaluation de l'état du stress oxydant chez une population de femmes atteintes d'un cancer du sein dans la wilaya de Tlemcen. Third SMBBM International Congress of Biochemistry, April 20-25, 2009 Marrakech.
  44. Belbraouet S, Ravaud JF, Chau N, and the Lorhandicap group. Social inequalities and correlates of cognitive disability in the elderly. 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, July 5-9, 2009, Paris.
  45. Chau N, Belbraouet S, and the Lorhandicap group. Association between cognitive disability and falls and role of lifestyle in the elderly. 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, July 5-9, 2009, Paris.
  46. Belbraouet S, Chau N, Ravaud JF, Lorhandicap Group. Associations of obesity with diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and role of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors: a population based study. 19th International Congress of Nutrition, October 4-9, 2009, Bangkok.
  47. Chau N, Belbraouet S, Lorhandicap Group. Correlates of obesity among people of different ages: a population based study in France. 19th International Congress of Nutrition, October 4-9, 2009, Bangkok.
  48. Belbraouet S, Al Ghatam G, Elmistiri M, Kerkadi A, Hassan A. Fat intake and breast carcinogenesis: a Case-Control Study. 2nd American Society for Nutrition Middle East Congress (Nutrition in Health & Disease)February 20-22, 2013, Dubai, UAE.
  49. Belbraouet S, Menadi N. Nutritional status of elderly people living at home in Sidi-bel-Abbes (west Algeria). 42nd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology. Halifax 17-19 October 2013.
  50. Meraou A, Merzouk H, Belbraouet S, Mejdoub A. Effet de l’huile d’olive et de la vitamine E sur la prolifération des lymphocytes in vitro lors du diabète. Journées internationales sur la nutrition et santé. 12 & 13 mai 2014, Constantine.
  51. Belbraouet S, Arsenault M. Food intake and obesity among children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 in Moncton, Canada Nutrition and Growth, January 30-February 1 2014, Barcelona.
  52. Menadi N, Kelkoul G, Hassani I, Merrakchi B, Belbraouet S.. Évaluation de l’état nutritionnel de personnes âgées en bonne santé ou malades vivant à domicile(Sidi-Bel-Abbès, Algérie). 43e Réunion scientifique et éducative annuelle Association canadienne de gérontologie, 14-18 octobre 2014, Niagara Falls, Ontario.
  53. A Nouani, M Bellal, Belbraouet S. Effect of Potassium Fertilization on the Lycopene and β-Carotene Content of Two Tomato Cultivars (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Second International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition (ICFSN 2015), March 19-20, 2015, Florence, Italy.
  54. S Belbraouet, Tébi A, Chau N, Debry G. Évaluation du fer sérique chez des personnes âgées hospitalisées. Étude cas‐témoins. Fifth Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the CAG, October 22, 2016, Montreal.
  55. Gagnon C, Belbraouet S. Association between fat intake and the risk of breast cancer: a case‐control study. IUNS ICN 2017, September 17 2017.
  56. Belbraouet S. Macronutrient intake and the risk of breast cancer: case-control study. Canadian Nutrition Society, Ontario, Canada, 2-4 May 2019.
  57. Belbraouet S, Hamam I, Sidibé H, Ghedira S, Tranchant CC. Vitamin C and iron intakes and breast carcinogenesis: case-control study. Word Cancer Congress, Muscat, Oman, 20-22 October 2020.
  58. Belbraouet S, Robinson M, Gagnon C, Hamam I, Hawa Sidibé, Tranchant CC, Khalil A. Effect of aging on plasmatic carbonyl proteins as markers of oxidative stress in women with breast cancer. 50th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Virtual, October 21-23, 2021.
  59. Al Ghatam G, El Mistiri M, Belbraouet S. Serum lipid profile and breast carcinogenesis in young premenopausal women in Qatar: a case-control study. International nutrition research conference, virtual, September 9-11, 2021.
  60. Belbraouet S, Sidibé H, Hamam I, Ghedira S, Tranchant CC, Surette M. Serum lipid profile and breast carcinogenesis in young premenopausal women in NB: a case-control study. The Canadian Cancer Research Conference. Virtual, November 8-11, 2021.
  61. Belbraouet, Hamam I, Sidibé H, Ghedira S, Tranchant CC. Dietary and nutritional intakes in breast carcinogenesis: a case control study. Société canadienne de nutrition, Gatineau 5-7 mai 2022.


Refereed Abstracts

  1. Bénali M, Belbraouet S, Brettschneider I. Quantification de différentes fractions de collagène de peau de rat au cours d’une malnutrition protéique suivie d’une réalimentation équilibrée. Nutrition Clinique & Métabolique 1989; 3: 176-184.
  2. Belbraouet S, Bénali M. Contribution to the preparation of a new powdered milk based on germinated chick-peas. Nutrition Abstract Reviews (Series A) 1990; 60(3): 158.
  3. Belbraouet S, Felden F, Pelletier X, Lambert D, Guéant J.L, Debry G. Protective effect of dietary calcium salts against chemically induced colon carcinogenesis in rat. Cancer Detection and Prevention 1993; 17(1): 146.
  4. Belbraouet S, Biaudet H, Chau N, Tébi A, Tranchant C, Massé P, Debry G. Serum trace elements in hospitalized and healthy elderly: a case control study. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 2003; 7(4), 230.
  5. O’loughlin J, Belbraouet S, Paradis G, Gray-Donald K. Clustering of chronic disease risk factors in children in low-income multiethnic neighbourhoods in Montreal. Annals of Epidemiology. 2002 Oct; 12(7):501-502.
  6. Khaled MB, Belbraouet S. Jeûne de ramadan et femmes obèses diabétiques type 2: effets sur la consommation alimentaire et sur l’anthropométrie. Médecine/Sciences, 2003; 19(3):vi.
  7. Massé P, Dosy J, Tranchant C, Belbraouet S. Changes in lifestyle, body composition, dietary intakes and blood lipids in early menopause in relation to risks of cardiovascular disease. FASEB Journal, 2003; 17(4): A284.
  8. Khaled MB, Bénali M, Belbraouet S. Jeûne de ramadan et femmes obèses diabétiques type 2: effets sur les paramètres biochimiques. Médecine/Sciences, 2004, 20(3): xii.
  9. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Debry G. Laminin P1 as biochemical marker in chemically induced colon carcinogenesis in rat. Cancer Detection and Prevention 2004; 1: S-53.
  10. Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Debry G. Calcium lactate but not carbonate exhibits a protective effect in colon carcinogenesis chemically induced in Wistar rats. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2005, suppl C, 19.
  11. Belbraouet S, Tébi A, Chau N, Debry G. Anthropometric parameters of healthy elderly from a French area. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2006; 10(1):72.
  12. Belbraouet S, Choquet M, Falissard B, Chau N, Lorhandicap Group. Obesity, overweight, and underweight and cardiovascular diseases in elderly population. Canadian Journal on Aging 2006; 25 (suppl 1): 50.
  13. Khaled MB, Belbraouet S. L’alimentation durant le jeûne du ramadan induit un déséquilibre lipidique chez le diabétique de type 2 obèse. Médecine/Sciences, 2008; 19(3):9.
  14. Belbraouet S, Chau N, Ravaud JF, Lorhandicap Group. Associations of obesity with diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and role of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors: a population based study. Annals of nutrition and metabolism 2009: 55(suppl 1):621.
  15. Chau N, Belbraouet S, Lorhandicap Group. Correlates of obesity among people of different ages: a population based study in France. Annals of nutrition and metabolism 2009: 55(suppl 1):621.


Book Chapters

  1. Belbraouet S, Benali M. Contribution à l'élaboration d'une nouvelle farine lactée à base de pois-chiche germé. pp. 567-570. In. D. Lemonier et Y. Ingenbleek: Les carences nutritionnelles dans les pays en voie de développement. Ed Karthala-ACCT Paris 1989.
  2. Bénali M, Belbraouet S, Brettschneider I. Quantification de différentes fractions de collagène de peau de rat au cours d'une carence protéique suivie d'une réalimentation équilibrée. pp. 420-427. In. D. Lemonier et Y. Ingenbleek: Alimentation et Nutrition dans les pays en développement. Ed ACCT-AUPELF-Karthala, Paris 1991.


Refereed Articles

  1. Pelletier X, Belbraouet S, Mirabel D, Mordret F, Perrin JL, Pages X, Debry G. A diet moderately enriched in phytosterols lowers cholesterol concentrations in normocholesterolemic humans. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 1995; 39: 291-295.
  2. Belbraouet S, Felden F, Pelletier X, Gastin I, Lambert D, Floquet J, Guéant JL, Debry G. Dietary calcium salts as protective agents and laminin P1 as biochemical marker in chemically induced colon carcinogenesis in rat. Cancer Detection and Prevention 1996; 20: 294-299.
  3. Pelletier X, Thouvenot P, Belbraouet S, Chayvialle JA, Mayeux D, Debry G. Effect of egg consumption in healthy volunteers: influence of yolk, white or whole egg on gastric emptying and on glycaemic and hormonal responses. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 1996; 25: 121-129.
  4. Belbraouet S, Tebi A, Chau N, Toto A, Cuny G, Debry G. Serum proteins in healthy and diseased French elderly. Nutrition Research 1998; 10(18): 1677-1689.
  5. Quilliot D, Belbraouet S, Pelletier X, Guéant JL, Floquet J, Debry G. Influence of a high-calcium carbonate diet on the incidence of experimental colon cancer in rats. Nutrition and Cancer 1999; 34(2): 213-219.
  6. Tébi A, Belbraouet S, Chau N, Debry G. Plasma vitamin, β-carotene, and α-tocopherol status according to age and disease in hospitalized elderly. Nutrition Research 2000; 20(10): 1395-1408.
  7. Chau N, Tébi A, Créton C, Belbraouet S, Debry G. Relationship between plasma retinol and infectious diseases in the elderly. A case-control study. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2000; 44 : 256-62.
  8. Baadid N, Moussaoui M, Belbraouet S. Production de protéines d’organismes unicellulaires cultivés sur Corn Steep Liquor et évaluation nutritionnelle de la biomasse. Revue des Énergies Renouvelables 2001; 11-27.
  9. O’Loughlin J, Paradis G, Meshefedjian G, Eppel A, Belbraouet S, Gray-Donald K. Clustering of lifestyle risk factors for chronic disease by family origin among children in low-income, multiethnic urban neighbourhoods in Montreal. Ethnicity and Disease 2004; 14:340-350.
  10. Khaled MB, Bendahmane M, Belbraouet S. Ramadan fasting induces modifications of certain serum components in obese women with type 2 diabetes. Saudi Medical Journal. 2006; 27: 447-450.
  11. Zahzeh T, Bouchikhi B, Khaled MB, Belbraouet S. Statut nutritionnel des enfants âgés de 0 à 36 mois admis au CHU de Sidi Bel abbés (Ouest algérien). Journal de pédiatrie et de puériculture 2006; 19:56-60.
  12. Benaouda Z, Mehdadi Z, Belbraouet S, Bouchaour I, Hamel L. Impact saisonnier sur la composition foliaire de Lygeum spartum L. en lipides totaux et en acides gras dans la région ouest-algérienne. Acta Botanica Gallica 2006; 153(3):387-397.
  13. Mehdadi Z, Benaouda Z, Belbraouet S, Benhassaini H, Hamel L, Benali M. Évolution saisonnière de la composition foliaire de Stipa tenacissima L. en lipides totaux et en acides gras. Science et changements planétaires/Sécheresse 2006; 17(4):493-498.
  14. Belbraouet S., Biaudet H., Chau. N., Tébi A., Gray-Donald K, Debry G. Serum zinc and copper in hospitalized vs. healthy elderly. Am J Coll Nutr 2007; 26(6):650-654.
  15. Belkherroubi-Sari L, Boucherit Z, Chéron M, Boucherit K, Benyoucef M, Belbraouet S. Modulation of the polyene antibiotic amphotericin B selective toxicity by pH change of the stock solutions. African Journal of Microbiology Research 2008; 2: 242-246.
  16. Mehdadi Z, Benaouda Z, Latreche A, Benhassaini H, Belbraouet S. Évolution saisonnière de la 155(3), 435-445.composition foliaire de Stipa tenacissima L. en éléments minéraux et en fibres pariétales. Acta Bot. Gallica, 2008,
  17. Khaled MB, Belbraouet S. Ramadan fasting diet entailed a lipid metabolic disorder among type 2 diabetic obese women. American Journal of Applied Sciences 2009; 6(3):471-477.
  18. Nouani A, Belhamiche N, Slamani R, Belbraouet S, Fazouane F, Bellal MM. Extracellular protease from Mucor pusillus: purification and characterization. International Journal of Dairy Technology 2009; 6: 112-117.
  19. Nouani A; Morsli A, Dako E, Belhamiche N; Belbraouet S, Bellal MM. Characterization of the purified coagulant extracts derived from artichoke flowers (Cynara scolymus) and from the fig tree latex (Ficus carica) in light of their use in the manufacture of traditional cheeses in Algeria. Journal of Food Technology 2009;7(1):20-29.
  20. Khaled MB, Belbraouet S. Effect of Ramadan fasting on anthropometric parameters and on food consumption in 276 type 2 diabetic obese women. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries 2009; 29 (2):62-68.
  21. Nouani A, Belhamiche N, Slamani R, Fazouane F, Belbraouet S, Bellal MM. Purification et caractérisation électrophorétique d’une protéase coagulant le lait de Mucor pusillus: Comparaison de méthodes. European Journal of Scientific Research 2009; 35 (4): 512-521.
  22. Badid N, Baba Ahmed FZ, Merzouk H, Belbraouet S, Mokhtari N, Merzouk SA, Benhabib R, Hamzaoui D, Narce M. Oxidant/Antioxidant Status, Lipids and Hormonal Profile in Overweight Women with Breast Cancer. Pathol Oncol Res. 2010; 16(2):159-67.
  23. Boucherit K, Boucherit-Atmani Z, Belkherroubi-Sari L, Belbraouet S. Effect of the ionic environment on the improvement of the therapeutic index of the amphotericin B. CTAJ 2011; 6(1):18-23.
  24. Nouani A, Moulti- Mati F, Belbraouet S, Bellal MM. Purification and characterization of a milk-clotting protease from Mucorpusillus: Method comparison. African Journal of Biotechnology 2011; 10(9):1655-1665.
  25. Belbraouet S, Chau N, Tébi A, Debry G. Anthropometric characteristics of hospitalised elderly women: A case‑control study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2011; 8(7): 2584–2592.
  26. Douzane M, Nouani A, Dako E, Belbraouet S, Bellal M.M. Influence of the variety, the olive crop year and the region on the fatty acid and tocopherols composition of some virgin Algerian olive oils. African J. Agricult. Res., 2012; 7(34):4738-4749.
  27. Carrier N, Belbraouet S. Influence de Mango Mania sur les habitudes alimentaires et de pratique de l’activité physique des enfants : perception des parents. Revue de l’Université de Moncton, 2012; 43 (1 & 2) :149-161.
  28. Menadi N, Khaled MB, Merrakchi B, Belbraouet S. Nutritional Status of Elderly People Living at Home in Sidi-Bel-Abbes (West Algeria). Food and Nutrition Sciences 2013; 4(8): 860-865.
  29. Khaled M, Diaf M, Houari H, Belbraouet S. Effet du sexe et du poids sur la glycémie postprandiale et le métabolisme des lipides chez des sujets atteints de diabète de type 2. Diabetes Metabolism 2014; 40: A83-84.
  30. El Kadi FZ, Bénali AI, Bénali M, Belbraouet S. Effect of Sodium Metabisulphite on Blood Metabolic Status of Wistar Rats. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2014; 5:1529-1537.
  31. Menadi N, Kelkoul G, Hassani I, Merrakchi B, Belbraouet S. Assessment of the Nutritional Status of 202 Elderly People Living at Home in Sidi-Bel-Abbès (Western Algeria). Food and Nutrition Sciences 2015; 6: 12-17.
  32. Nouani A, Belhamiche N,Slamani Roza B, Belbraouet S, Dako E, Bellal MM. Molecular weight determination of a protease extracted from Mucor pusillus: Comparison methods. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2015; 6 (3): 348-354.
  33. Fouzia Y, Nouani A, Kahlouche A, Belbraouet S. Whey Ultrafiltration: Effect of pH on Permeate Flux and Proteins Retention. World Applied Sciences Journal 2015; 33 (5): 744-751.
  34. Allioua M, Djaziri R, Mahdad MY, Gaouar SBS, Derradji H, Boudjemaa BM, Belbraouet S. Dietary fat intake, micronutritient and obesity among adolescent in Tlemcen (western Algeria). Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2015, 6, 860-868.
  35. Ouramdane R, Bereksi-Reguig K, Abou-Bakr FA, Belbraouet, S. Nutritional status of diabetic mothers and health of newborns in Western Algeria.Food and Nutrition Sciences2015; 6: 854-859.
  36. Mehdi Y, Mebrek S, Djebara S, Aissaoui Y, Benahmed K, Benali AI, Benali M, Belbraouet S. Characterization of Algerian Honey from Tiaret Region and Immunoassay Study of Its Immunomodulatory Effect in BALB/c Mice. Journal of Food Research 2016; 5(1): 26-32.
  37. Meraou A, Merzouk H, Saidi A, Medjdoub M, Merzouk SA, Belbraouet S.
  38. Vitamins C, E, and NADH on in vitro LympMenadi N, Kelkoul G, Hassani I, Merrakchi B, Demmouche A, Benali M, Belbraouet S. Nutritional status elderly people in Sidi-bel-abbès (west Algeria). Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017; 11(3):2395-4477.
  39. O'Campo P, Hwang SW, Gozdzik A, Schuler A, Kaufman-Shriqui V, Poremski D, Lazgare LIP, Distasio J, Belbraouet S, Addorisio S. Food security among individuals experiencing homelessness and mental illness in the At Home/Chez Soi Trial. Public Health Nutr. 2017; 31:1-11.
  40. Remil A, Taghouti M, Benali M, Belbraouet S. Physicochemical Analysis, Electrophoretic Characterization and Verifica-tion of the Protein Fractions Responsible for Celiac Disease of Wheat Varieties Imported and Grown in Western Algeria. South Asian J Exp Biol. 2017; 7(2): 113-121.
  41. Mahmoudi S, Khali M, Benkhaled A, Boucetta I, Dahmani Y, Attallah Z, Belbraouet S. Fresh figs (Ficus carica L.): Pomological characteristics, nutritional value, and phytochemical properties. Eur. J. Hortic. Sci. 2018; 83 (2) 104-113.
  42. Boukhatmi F, Menadi N, Meziani S, Zairi M, Bouazza S, Demmouche A, Benali M, Douidi KT, Belbraouet S. Screening for malnutrition in elderly people hospitalized in the university hospital of Sidi-Bel-Abbes (western Algeria). International Journal of Research in Biosciences 2019; 8(4):1-7.
  43. Menadi N, Meziani S, Zairi M, Boukhatmi F, Tarfaoui L, Sennous K, Bouazza S, Demmouche A, Merrakchi B, Belbraouet S. Prévalence de la dénutrition dans une population de personnes âgées vivant à domicile à Sidi-Bel-Abbès (Ouest Algérien). Revue de la Gériatrie 2021; 46(1): 1-7.
  44. Menadi N, Meziani S, Zairi M, Bouazza S, Demmouche A, Djadel T, Benabdeli K, Belbraouet S. Effet du son de blé dur dans le traitement du syndrome de l’intestin irritable.
  45. Arsenault M, Menadi N, Belbraouet S. Overweight-obesity in children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 in Moncton, Canada. The Eurasia Proceedings of Health, Environment and Life Sciences (EPHELS), 2021; 2: 1-4.
  46. Chau K, Gauchard G, Belbraouet S, Perrin P, Chau N. Impact of Physical Activity on Physical and Mental Health Difficulties among 10-16-year-old Adolescents: a Population-based Study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health (soumis).
  47. Chau N, Perrin P, Gauchard G, Bhattacherjee A, Senapati A, Belbraouet S, Guillemin F, Falissard B, Chau K. An injury-vulnerability measure based on cumulating school, behavior and health difficulties to prevent injuries in younger adolescents: a population-based study. European Journal of Epidemiology (soumis).