


Rioux FM, Bélanger-Plourde J, LeBlanc CP et Vigneau F. Relationship between maternal DHA and iron status and infants' cognitive performance. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 2011 Summer;72(2):76.

LeBlanc CP, Fiset S, Surette ME, Turgeon O'Brien H, Rioux FM. Maternal iron deficiency alters essential fatty acid and eicosanoid metabolism and increases locomotion in adult guinea pig offspring. Journal of Nutrition. September 2009;139(9)1653-1659.

LeBlanc CP, Surette ME, Fiset S, Turgeon O'Brien H, Rioux FM. Maternal iron deficiency and its effect on essential fatty acid and eicosanoid metabolism and spatial memory in the guinea pig offspring. Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and essential fatty acids. 2009:81;1-8.

LeBlanc CP, Rioux FM. Iron deficiency anemia in 6 month-old infants born to low income mothers participating in a prenatal nutritional intervention program by the ECI. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 2007 Winter;68(4):222-5.

Rioux FM, LeBlanc CP. Iron supplementation during pregnancy: what are the risks and benefits of current practices? Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. 2007;32:1-7.