Publications avec arbitrage :
Labbé C, Ward S, Dupuis JB, Johnson C. (2023) Effectiveness of a school-based culinary programme on 9- and 10-year-old children's food literacy and vegetable, fruit and breakfast consumption, Nutrients, 15: 1520.
Everitt T, Ward S, Martin W, Engler-Stringer R. (2023) Factors contributing to School Food Program acceptance: A review of Canadian literature, Health Promotion International, 3(1): daac160.
Everitt T, Ward S, Martin W, Engler-Stringer R. (2022) Proposing a framework for School Food Program evaluation in Canada, Canadian Food Studies, 9(3):14-175.
LeBlanc J, Ward S, Leblanc CP. (2022) An elective high school cooking course improves students' cooking and food skills: A quasi-experimental study, Canadian Journal of Public Health, 1-12.
Doggui, R, Ward S, Johnson C, Bélanger M. (2022) Trajectories of beverage consumption during adolescence, Appetite, 175:106092
LeBlanc J, Ward S, LeBlanc CP. (2022) The association between adolescents' food literacy, vegetable and fruit consumption and other eating behaviours, Health Education and Behavior, 1-10.
Laforest, ME, Ward S, Landry LA, Mobetty F. (2021) The relationship between paternal preconception obesity and health behaviors and childhood obesity : Protocol for a systematic review. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(12): e31254.
Doggui R, Ward S, Johnson C, Bélanger M. (2021) Trajectories of eating behaviour change during adolescence. Nutrients, 13(4):1313.
Giguère Johnson M, Ward S, Ndene Ndiaye A, Galibois I, Blaney S. (2021) Dietary intake and food behaviours among Senegalese adolescent girls, BMC Nutrition, 7:41.
Giguère Johnson M, Ward S, Ndene Ndiaye A, Galibois I, Blaney S. (2021) The home and school food environment of Senegalese adolescent girls. Journal of Food Security, 9(1):29-35.
Ward S, Bélanger M, Leis A. (2020) Comparison between the Healthy Start-Départ Santé online and in-person training of childcare educators to improve healthy eating and physical activity practices and knowledge of physical activity and fundamental movement skills, Preventive Medicine Reports, 101264.
Leis A, Ward S, Vatanparast H, Humbert L, Froehlich Chow A, Muhajarine N, Engler-Stringer R, Bélanger M. (2020). Results of a multilevel intervention to increase physical activity and improve healthy eating and physical literacy among young children (ages 3-5) attending childcare centres : the Healthy Start-Départ Santé cluster randomized controlled trial study. BMC Public Health. 12(16):313.
Abi Nader P, Ward S, Eltonsy S, Bélanger M. (2018). The Impact of Life Stresses on Physical Activity Participation During Adolescence: a 5-Years Longitudinal Study. Preventive Medicine. 116:6-12.
Ward S, Froehlich Chow A, Humbert ML, Bélanger M, Muhajarine N, Leis A, Vatanparast H. (2018). Promoting physical activity, healthy eating, and physical literacy among preschoolers attending childcare centers: Process evaluation of the Healthy Start-Départ Santé intervention using the RE-AIM framework. Evaluation and Program Planning. 68: 90-98.
Ward S, Bélanger M, Donovan D, Vatanparast H, Muhajarine N, Engler-Stringer R, Leis A, Humbert L, Carrier N. (2017). Association between childcare educators’ practices and preschoolers’ physical activity and dietary intake. BMJ Open. 7: e013657.
Ward S, Bélanger M, Carrier N, Vatanparast H, Engler-Stringer R, Leis A, Donovan D. (2017). Lunch is ready…but not healthy: An analysis of lunches served in childcare centres in two Canadian provinces. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 108: e342-347.
Surette V, Ward S, Morin P, Vatanparast H, Bélanger M. (2017). Food reluctance of preschool children attending daycare centers is associated with a lower body mass index. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 1: 1749-1756.
Ward S, Bélanger M, Donovan D, Boudreau J, Vatanparast H, Muhajarine N, Leis A, Humbert L, Carrier N. (2017). ‘Monkey see, monkey do’: The influence of peers on preschoolers’ physical activity and dietary intake in childcare centers. Preventive Medicine. 97: 33-39.
Bélanger M, Humbert L, Vatanparast H, Ward S, Muhajarine N, Froehlich Chow A, Engler-Stringer R, Donovan D, Carrier N, Leis A. (2016). A multilevel intervention to increase physical activity and improve healthy eating and physical literacy among young children(ages 3-5) attending early childcare centres:the Healthy Start-Départ Santé cluster randomised controlled trial study protocol. BMC Public Health. 16: 313-322.
Ward S, Bélanger M, Donovan D, Carrier N. (2016). Relationship between eating behaviors and physical activity of preschoolers and their peers: A systematic review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 13: 50-62.
Belanger M, Sabiston CM, Barnett TA, O'Loughlin E, Ward S, Contreras G, O'Loughlin J. (2015). Number of Years of Participation in Some, but Not All, Types of Physical Activity During Adolescence Predicts Level of Physical Activity in Adulthood: Results from a 13-year Study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 12: 76-83.
Goguen J, Bélanger M, Xhignesse M, Sabiston C, Ward S, Caissie I, O’Loughlin J. (2015). Association between physical activity motives and type of physical activity in children. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 15(3): 306-320.
Ward S, Bélanger M, Donovan D, Horsman A, Carrier N. (2015). Correlates, determinants, and effectiveness of childcare educators' practices and behaviours on preschoolers' physical activity and eating behaviours: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews. 4: 18-24.
Ward S, Bélanger M, Donovan D, Caissie I, Goguen J, Vanasse A. (2015). Association between school environment and youth’s participation in various types of physical activities. Journal of School Health. 85: 423-432.
Ward S, Bélanger M, Donovan D, Carrier N. (2015). Systematic review of the relationship between childcare educators’ practices and preschoolers’ physical activity and eating behaviours. Obesity Reviews. 16: 1055-1070.
Communications avec arbitrage (derniers 5 ans):
Cormier B, Ward S, Iancu HD. (2022) Fredericton, Canada. Nutritional and dietary interventions for the treatment and prevention of concussions: A scoping review. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation Health Research Week 2022.
Labbé C, Ward S, Johnson C. (2022) Fredericton, Canada. Effectiveness of a school-based culinary program on 9- and 10-year-old children's food literacy, vegetable and fruit, and breakfast consumption. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, Health Research Week 2022.
Thibault V, Gallant F, Paiement K, Ward S, Lemieux S, Abi Nader P, Bélanger M. (2022) Fredericton, Canada. Weight management status and lifestyle behaviors in adolescents. Conférence de la Société canadienne de physiologie de l'exercice.
Johnson C, Ward S. (2022) Halifax, Canada. The "chocolate milk debate": how a dairy beverage became politicized and its true meaning for school food policies in New Brunswick. Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association.
Everitt T, McKenna M, Michnik K, Ruetz A, Ward S, Webb C. (2022) Monitoring/evaluating school food programs and policies - for who, how and why? Canadian Association of Food Studies Conference. Conférence virtuelle.
McLaughlin A, Ward S, Godin J. (2022) Évaluation des processes d'un programme pilote de saine alimentation scolaire au Nouveau-Brunswick. Journée de recherche interdisciplinaire en santé de l'Université de Moncton. Conférence virtuelle.
McLaughlin A, Ward S, Godin J. (2022) Évaluation des processes d'un programme pilote de saine alimentation scolaire au Nouveau-Brunswick. 32e Colloque de jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs de l'Université de Moncton. Conférence virtuelle.
McLaughlin A, Ward S, Godin J, Kemp B. (2021) Moncton, Canada. Evaluation of the New Brunswick School Food Pilot Project. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, Health Research Week 2021.
Doggui R, Thibault V, Ward S, Lemieux S, Bélanger M. (2021) Lille, France. Revue systématique sure l'association reliant les trajectoires de la consommation alimentaire, des apports en nutriments et de la quantité de l'alimentation à l'apparition des maladies chroniques non transmissibles. Journées Francophones de Nutrition.
LeBlanc J, Ward S, Leblanc CP. (2021) Effectiveness of a culinary course on high school students' food literacy, eating behaviours and consumption of vegetables and fruits. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - XChange virtual conference. Conférence virtuelle.
Doggui R, Ward S, Johnson C, Bélanger M. (2021) Trajectories of eating behaviours during adolescence among Canadian youth. American Society for Nutrition's 2021 Nutrition Live Online conference. Conférence virtuelle.
LeBlanc J, Ward S, LeBlanc CP. (2021) L'association entre la littératie alimentaire, les comportements alimentaires et la consommation de légumes et fruits des adolescents et adolescentes. 31e Colloque de jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs de l'Université de Moncton. Conférence virtuelle.
Ward S, Bélanger M. (2020). Comparing the effectiveness of the Healthy Start-Départ Santé online training intervention to the in-person training on childcare educators' healthy eating and physical activity practices, and knowledge of fundamental movement skills. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity XChange Initiative.
Giguère Johnson M, Blaney S, Ward S. (2020) Charlottetown, Canada. Assessment of dietary intake and food behaviours among adolescent girls in the Dakar region, Senegal. Science Atlantic Nutrition and Foods Conference.
Ward S, Bélanger M. (2019) Saint-Jean, Canada. The Healthy Start-Départ Santé online intervention: A promising method of improving physical activity practices of childcare educators. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation 11th Annual Conference.
Ward S, LeBlanc CP. (2019) Moncton, Canada. Le camp d'été Chef Junior augmente le nombre de légumes consommés chez les jeunes de 8 à 12 ans : résultats d'un projet pilote. Journée de recherche interdisciplinaire en santé.
Ward S, LeBlanc CP, Couture-Léger M, Thibault V. (2018) Fredericton, Canada. Plus de légumes et de meilleurs comportements alimentaires chez les jeunes de 8 à 12 ans participant au camp culinaire Chef Junior à Moncton : un projet pilote. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation 10th Annual Conference.
Ward S (2018). Moncton, Canada. Une formation en ligne pour le personnel des services de garde : Est-ce la clé pour assurer une santé optimale chez les jeunes enfants? Cours d'été international relatif aux droits de l'enfant.
Ward S, Froehlich Chow A, Humbert ML, Bélanger M, Muhajarine N, Leis A, Vatanparast H. (2018) Hong Kong, Chine. Promoting physical activity, healthy eating, and physical literacy among preschoolers attending childcare centers : Process evaluation of the Healthy Start-Départ Santé intervention using the RE-AIM framework. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference.
Ward S, Froehlich Chow A, Humbert ML, Bélanger M, Muhajarine N, Leis A, Vatanparast H. (2018) Moncton, Canada. Implanter est facile mais maintenir ne l'est pas : L'évaluation des processus d'une intervention de promotion de la santé dans les garderies du Nouveau-Brunswick et de la Saskatchewan. Journée de recherches interdisciplinaires en santé de l'Université de Moncton.
Publications sans arbitrage :
McLaughlin A, Ward S, Godin J. (2021) Evaluation of the New Brunswick School Food Pilot Project - Final Report. Université de Moncton, 1-51.
Ward S, Bélanger M, Hébert R. (2019) Final Healthy Start-Départ Santé Project Report 2019. Université de Moncton, 1-28.
Audet P, Blaney S, Godin J, Ward S, Caissie J. (2019) Evolution and characteristics of households using the Food Depot Alimentaire between 2016 and 2019. Université de Moncton, 1-13.
Ward S, Brenan L. (2017) Nutrition and Active Play in New Brunswick Early Learning Child Care Centres: Discussion Paper. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 1-19.
Communications sans arbitrage (derniers 5 ans) :
Ward S. (2020) Moncton, Canada. Promouvoir une saine alimentation chez les jeunes en milieux de garde : L'importance d'apprendre comment manger. Forum "Le perfectionnement : l'essence du succès".
Ward S. (2019) Truro, Canada. Healthy Start for Active Kids: A winning start to an active life. Recreation Nova Scotia Conference,
Ward S. (2019) Bathurst & Dieppe, Canada. Nourrir des enfants heureux et en santé : Allez du Quoi et du Combien au Comment nourrir des jeunes enfants. Forum "Donnons à nos éducatrices et à nos éducateurs une longueur d'avance".
Ward S. (2018) Sussex, Canada. Feeding happy and competent little eaters: Moving from the What and How much to the How of feeding young children. Shining Light Conference.
Ward S. (2018) Fredericton, Canada. Achieving health and wellness through healthy eating practices. Association of Family Resource Centres Conference.
Ward S. (2018) "Monkey see, monkey do" The role of the social environment in childcare centrs on preschoolers' healthy eating behaviours and physical activity. Association of Canadian Human Ecology Students Conference