Articles published in peer reviewed journals:
Beaton, A.M., Benoit, M., & Mulatris, P. (accepted, 2014). Raconter sa détresse dans la langue de son cœur : regards croisés sur la santé mentale et le recours au service de soutien chez les CLOSM. [Telling your distress in the language of your heart: Visions of mental health and the use of support services among OLMC] Proposition accepted for a thematic issue of the journal Minorités linguistiques et société.
Beaton, A.M., Tougas, F., Rinfret, N., & Monger, T. (in press, 2015). The Psychological Disengagement Model among women in Science, Engineering, and Technology. 35 pages. British Journal of Social Psychology.
LeBlanc, J., Beaton, A.M., & Walker, I. (in press, 2015). The downside of being up: A new look at relative group privilege and traditional prejudice. 43 pages. Social Justice Research.
Rinfret, N., Tougas, F., Beaton, A.M., Laplante, J., & Ngo Manguelle, C., Lagacé, M.-C. (2014). The long and winding road: Psychological disengagement and motivation among female students in (non-) traditional career paths. Social Psychology of Education, 17, 637-656.
Beaton, A.M., Monger, T., Leblanc, D., Bourque, J., Levi, Y., Joseph, DJ, Richard, J., Bourque, P., & Chouinard, O. (2012). Crossing the divide: The Common In-group Identity Model and intergroup affinity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36, 365-376.
Laplante, J., Tougas, F., Beaton, A. M., & Bellehumeur, C. (2011). Psychological disengagement as a silent response to perceived (present and future) sex based disadvantage among female office workers. European Review of Applied Psychology, 61, 223-230.
Beaton, A.M., Dovidio, J.F., & LeBlanc, J. (2011). Traditional prejudice and justice judgments: Does bias suppression moderate the relationship? Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 579-583.
LeBlanc, J., & Beaton, A.M. (2011). Les facteurs qui entravent et qui favorisent le rendement à une tâche en français chez les femmes d'origine acadienne: un examen de la catégorie sociale et de la confiance envers son rendement. [Factors that inhibit and facilitate performance on a French task among women of Acadian descent: A study of social category and confidence in performance] Éducation francophone en milieu minoritaire, 6, 1-15.
Kabano, J., & Beaton, A.M. (2011). Le marché du travail pour personnes vivant avec une incapacité: une étude des représentations sociales. [The labour market for people with disabilities: A study of social representations] Développement humain, Handicap et Changement social, 19, 109-126.
Noël, J., & Beaton, A.M. (2010). Perceptions de groupes, profils identitaires collectifs et bien-être psychologique: la perspective des jeunes Acadiens du sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick. [Group perceptions, collective identity and well-being: Perspectives of young Acadians from South-East New Brunswick]. Revue de l'Université de Moncton, 41, 211-246.
Beaton, A.M., Leblanc, D., Levi, Y., Joseph, DJ, Bourque, J., Bourque, P.E., & Chouinard, O. (2010). Social exclusion and inclusion: Perspectives from Mi'kmaq youth. Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program: Community-based research publication. (pp. 51-60). Dalhousie University.
Tougas, F., Rinfret, N., Crosby, F., Beaton, A.M., & Laplante, J. (2010). La face cachée de l'effet protecteur du désengagement psychologique au travail: le cas des policiers. [The hidden face of the protective role of psychological disengagement: The case of the police] Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 42, 264-272.
Professional contributions and contributions to public policy:
Beaton, A.M., Kabano, J., Gaucher, C., Lavoie, M., & Lanteigne, J. (2015). Le paternalisme organisationnelle et l’employabilité des personnes ayant un handicap : les retombées paradoxales de l’autorité et de la bienveillance déplacées. [The organizational paternalism and the employability of people with disabilities : the paradoxical implications of authority and misplaced benevolence]. Conference at the 83rd colloquium of l’ACFAS, Rimouski, Qc.
Beaton, A.M., Nolin, D., Morin, D. & Léger, M. (2015). Profils langagiers et recours au service de santé mentale: la perspective des Acadiens du sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick [Language profiles and use of mental health services : the perspective of Southeastern New Brunswick Acadians]. Conference at the 83rd colloquium of l’ACFAS, Rimouski, Qc.
Whalen, C., & Beaton, A.M. (2015). Santé mentale et le recours au service de qualité chez les jeunes des CLOSM selon une perspective des droits et du mieux-être de l’enfance [Mental health and the use of quality service among young OLMC from a perspective of children's rights and well- being]. Conference at the 83rd colloquium of l’ACFAS, Rimouski, Qc.
Léger, M., Beaton, A.M., Morin, D., & Nolin, D. (2014). Acadian language preference profiles: An analysis of their impact on group perceptions, psychological well-being and mental health service preferences. Presentation at the 4th International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society, Vancouver, B.C.
Beaton, A.M., Tougas, F., Rinfret, N. & Léger, M. (2014) From the political model in effect to the feminine political model under construction. Invited speaker at the Colloquium on leadership for professional women, Université de Moncton, Moncton, N.B.
Beaton, A.M., & Bourque, J. (2014). Stress perception among francophone adolescents : a review of adaptation skills training according to the dialectic behavioral therapy. Invited speaker at the Série de séminaires de recherché en santé Vitalité, Moncton, N.B.
Whalen, C., Beaton, A.M., Thornhill, J., & Bilerman, M. (2014). Mobilizing the community to improve the mental health of children and adolescents. Invited speaker at the Café scientifique des IRSC, Fredericton, N.B.
Beaton, A.M. (2013). SPOR-TRAM: Adolescent and youth mental health, a New Brunswick application. Presentation at the 5th New-Brunswick Health Research Foundation conference, Saint-John, N.B.
Beaton, A.M. (2013). Marginalisation in the singular and the plural: a review of its impacts. Invited speaker at the social and cognitive psychology laboratory seminar, Université Blaise Pascale, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Beaton, A.M. (2012). Workshop on scientific paper writing: publish without perish? Conference at the causeries-midi du CRDE, Moncton, N.B.
Beaton, A. M., Bourque, J., & Mainville, L. (2012). Effects of an intervention based on DBT on the developmental assets of 9th and 10th graders: results of a randomised trial. Invited speaker at the New-Brunswick Home Economics Association Conference, Moncton, N.B.
Mainville, L., Beaton, A.M. & Bourque, J. (2011). Promoting resilience among adolescents in francophone schools : results of a pilot project. « Nouvelles » publication of the Francophone teachers of New-Brunswick association, p.4-7.
Beaton, A.M. (2010). Personal relative deprivation and psychological well-being: The role of psychological disengagement. Presentation at the Journée de recherche interdisciplinaire en santé de l'Université de Moncton (JRIS). Moncton, N.B.