Articles scientifiques publiés

Articles scientifiques publiés

Articles scientifiques publiés

Bouchard, G., Filice, S., Richard, G., Charbonneau, A., & Saint-Aubin, J. (sous presse). Relationship status-mental health concerns association: An examination of attachment and attention. European Review of Applied Psychology.

Bouchard, G., & Gallant, J. (2024). Differential effects of a brief body scan session on pain and anxiety levels. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 24, 1069-1075.

Bouchard, G. (2024). Parents émérites et enfants devenus adultes : un examen du nid déserté. Psychologie Québec, 41, 23-24.

Bouchard, G., Gaudet, M., Cloutier, G., & Martin, M. (2023). Attachment, relational maintenance behaviors and relationship quality in romantic long-distance relationships: A dyadic perspective. Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships, 17, 213-231.

Bouchard, G., & Sonier, N. A. (2023). Relationship between sibling bullying, family functioning, and problem solving: A structural equation modeling. Current Psychology, 42, 11565-11574.

Charbonneau, A., Arsenault, M., Bouchard, G., & Lachance-Grzela, M. (2022). Indicateurs de suivi de progrès en thérapie et changements dans la santé mentale des clients : le cas des francophones en milieu minoritaire. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 54, 341-346.

Bouchard, G., Harrigan, I., & Tobin, S. J. (2021). The use of Facebook in romantic relationships: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Mediation Model predicting relationship visibility. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38, 2084-2098.

Bourque, C., Charbonneau, A., Bouchard, G., & Lachance-Grzela, M. (2021). Progress monitoring measures in psychotherapy and mental health: Examination of a structural equation model. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 55, 437-461.

Charbonneau, A., Lachance-Grzela, M., & Bouchard, G. (2021). Threshold levels for disorder, inequity in household labor, and frustration with the partner among emerging adult couples: A dyadic examination. Journal of Family Issues, 42, 176-200.

Lachance-Grzela, M., Liu, B., Charbonneau, A., & Bouchard, G. (2021). Ambivalent sexism and relationship adjustment among young adult couples: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38, 2121-2140.

Plamondon, A., Bouchard, G., & Lachance-Grzela, M. (2021). Family dynamics and young adults’ well-being: The mediating role of sibling bullying. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36, NP5362-NP5384.

Bouchard, G., & Mercier-Nicol, S. (2020). Family expressiveness, criticism, and affect in emerging adults: A retrospective multi-informant study. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 9, 144-155

Maltais, M., Bouchard, G., & Saint-Aubin, J. (2020). Predicting mindfulness facets: An examination of executive control, neuroticism, and impulsivity. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 52, 1-7. 

Thibodeau, J., & Bouchard, G. (2020). Attachment and satisfaction at the empty-nest stage: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Journal of Adult Development, 27, 212-223.

Bouchard, G., Plamondon, A., & Lachance-Grzela, M. (2019). Parental intervention style and adult sibling conflicts: The mediating role of involvement in sibling bullying. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36, 2585-2602.

Charbonneau, A., Lachance-Grzela, M., & Bouchard, G. (2019). Housework allocation, negotiation strategies, and relationship satisfaction in cohabiting emerging adult heterosexual couples. Sex Roles, 81, 290-305.

Maltais, M., Bouchard, G., &Saint-Aubin, J. (2019). Mechanisms of mindfulness: The mediating roles of adaptive and maladaptive cognitive factors. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 38, 846-854.

Bouchard, G. (2018). A dyadic examination of marital quality at the empty-nest phase. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 86, 34-50.

Bouchard, G. (2016). Transition to parenthood and relationship satisfaction. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies. 1-5.

Bouchard, G., & Lachance-Grzela, M. (2016). Nontraditional families, family attitudes, and relationship outcomes in emerging adulthood. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 48, 238-245.

Bouchard, G., & McNair, J. L.(2016). Dyadic examination of the influence of family relationships on life satisfaction at the empty-nest stage. Journal of Adult Development, 23, 174-182.

Lachance-Grzela, M., & Bouchard, G. (2016). The effects of parental divorce in single and romantically involved emerging adults. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 57, 504-516.

Bouchard, G., & Saint-Aubin, J. (2015). Executive control of married and cohabiting couples. Personality and Individual Differences, 78, 58-62.

Ponomartchouk, D., & Bouchard, G. (2015). New mothers’ sense of competence: Predictors and outcomes. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 1977-1986.

Bouchard, G. (2014). How do parents react when their children leave home? An integrative review. Journal of Adult Development, 21, 69-79.

Bouchard, G. (2014). The quality of the parenting alliance during the transition to parenthood. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 46, 20-28.

Bouchard, G., & Saint-Aubin, J. (2014). Attention deficits and divorce. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 59, 480-486.

Bouchard, G. (2012). Intergenerational transmission and transition to fatherhood: A mediated-moderation model of paternal engagement. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 747-755.

Bouchard, G. (2011). The role of psychosocial variables in prenatal attachment: An examination of moderational effects. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 29, 197-207.

Bouchard, G., & Doucet, D. (2011). Parental divorce and couples’ adjustment during the transition to parenthood: The role of parent-adult child relationships. Journal of Family Issues, 32, 507-527.

Bouchard, G., & Poirier, L. (2011). Neuroticism and well-being among employed new parents: The role of the work-family conflict. Personality and Individual Differences,50, 657-661.

Lachance-Grzela, M., & Bouchard, G. (2010). More on the gendered division of household labor: A response to commentators. Sex Roles, 63, 801-806.

Lachance-Grzela, M., & Bouchard, G. (2010). Why do women do the lion’s share of housework? A decade of research. Sex Roles, 63, 767-780.

Bouchard, G. (2009). Parents-to-be with overly optimistic expectations of parenthood: Who are they and what should counsellors do? Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 43, 165-177.

Lachance-Grzela, M., & Bouchard, G. (2009). Marital status, pregnancy planning, and role overload: A mediated-moderation model of parenting satisfaction. Journal of Family Psychology, 23, 739-748.

Lachance-Grzela, M., & Bouchard, G. (2009). The well-being of cohabiting and married couples during pregnancy: Does pregnancy planning matter? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26, 141-159.

Lachance-Grzela, M., & Bouchard, G. (2009). La cohabitation et le mariage, deux mondes à part? Un examen des caractéristiques démographiques, individuelles et relationnelles. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 41, 37-44.

Tremblay, J., Bouchard, G., & Bertrand, K. (2009). Vie conjugale et abus de substances : interrelations et traitement. Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, 43, 311-325.

Bouchard, G. (2008). Alexithymia among students and professionals in function of disciplines. Social Behavior and Personality, 36, 303-314.

Bouchard, G., Lachance-Grzela, M., & Goguen, A. (2008). Timing of the transition to motherhood and union quality: The moderator role of union length. Personal Relationships, 15, 71-80.

Bouchard, G. (2006). Cohabitation versus marriage: The role of dyadic adjustment in relationship dissolution. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 46, 107-117

Bouchard, G., Boudreau, J., & Hébert, R. (2006). Transition to parenthood and conjugal life: Comparisons between planned and unplanned pregnancies. Journal of Family Issues, 27, 1512-1531.

Bouchard, G. (2005). Adult couples facing a planned or an unplanned pregnancy: Two realities. Journal of Family Issues, 26, 619-637.

Bouchard, G. (2005). Transition to motherhood and relationship quality: Does divorce or separation history matter? Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 44, 107-117.

Bouchard, G., & Arseneault, J.-E. (2005). Length of union as a moderator of the relationship between personality and dyadic adjustment. Personality and Individual Differences, 39, 1407-1417.

Bouchard, G., Guillemette, A., & Landry-Léger, N. (2004). Situational and dispositional coping: An examination of their relation to personality, cognitive appraisals, and psychological distress. European Journal of Personality, 18, 221-238.

Bouchard, G. (2003). Cognitive appraisals, neuroticism, and openness as correlates of coping strategies: An integrative model of adaptation to marital difficulties. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 35, 1-12.

Bouchard, G., & Thériault, V. J. (2003). Defense mechanisms and coping strategies in conjugal relationships: An integration. International Journal of Psychology, 38, 79-90.

Bouchard, G., Tremblay, J., & Sabourin, S. (2000). Mesure des stratégies d’adaptation : validité et invariance factorielle en fonction du genre des répondants. Science et comportement, 28, 161-170.

Bouchard, G., Lussier, Y., & Sabourin, S. (1999). Personality and marital adjustment: Utility of the Five-Factor model of personality. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 651-660.

Bouchard, G., Sabourin, S., Lussier, Y., Wright, J., & Richer, C. (1998). Predictive validity of coping strategies on marital satisfaction: Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence. Journal of Family Psychology, 12, 112-131.

Bouchard, G., Sabourin, S., Lussier, Y., Wright, J., & Richer, C. (1997). Testing the theoretical models underlying the Ways of Coping Questionnaire with couples. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 59, 409-418.          

Bouchard, G., Sabourin, S., Lussier, Y., Richer, C., & Wright, J. (1995). Nature des stratégies d’adaptation au sein des relations conjugales : présentation d’une version abrégée du Ways of Coping Questionnaire. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 27, 371-377.