Patoine, A., Karmakar, M., Kurek, J. 2021. Differential impacts of climate and land-use on 20th century phytoplankton composition among and within two temperate coastal estuaries of Atlantic Canada. Estuaries & Coasts. Publié en ligne le 6 novembre 2021
Pinel-Alloul, B., Patoine, A., Marty, J. 2021. Multi-scale and multi-system perspectives of zooplankton structure and function in Canadian freshwaters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 78 (10): 1543-1562. Publié en ligne le 1er avril 2021,
Karmakar, M., Leavitt, P.R., PATOINE, A. 2019. Effects of bridge construction and wastewater effluent on phytoplankton abundance and sediment geochemistry in an Atlantic temperate coastal bay since 1930. Estuaries and Coasts 42: 365-377. Publié en ligne le 21 novembre 2018:
Hayes, N.M., PATOINE, A., Haig, H.A., Simpson, G.L., Swarbrick, V.J., Wilk, E. et Leavitt, P.R. 2019. Spatial and temporal variation in nitrogen fixation and its importance to phytoplankton in phosphorus-rich lakes. Freshwater Biology 64: 269-283. Publié en ligne le 27 novembre 2018:
Daly, M., Kurek, J., Gregory-Eaves, I., PATOINE, A. 2019. Reorganization of aquatic communities from low-nutrient lakes in northwestern New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 61: 185-200. Publié en ligne le 12 septembre 2018:
Ady, F. et Patoine, A. 2016. Impacts of land use and climate variability on algal communities since ~1850 CE in an oligotrophic estuary in northeastern New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology, 55:151–165. 10.1007/s10933-015-9871-1
Vogt, R.J., Rusak, J.A., PATOINE, A. et Leavitt, P.R. 2011. Differential effects of energy and mass influx on the landscape synchrony of lake ecosystems. Ecology 92: 1104-1114.
Finlay, K., Leavitt, P.R., Patoine, A. et Wissel, B. 2010. Magnitudes and controls of organic and inorganic carbon flux through a chain of hard-water lakes on the northern Great Plains. Limnology and Oceanography 55(4): 1551-1564.
Finlay, K., Patoine, A., Donald, D.B., Bogard, M. et Leavitt, P.R. 2010. Experimental evidence that pollution with urea can degrade water quality in phosphorus-rich lakes of the Northern Great Plains. Limnology and Oceanography 53 (3): 1213-1230.Hudon, C., Armellin, A., Gagnon, P. et Patoine, A. 2010. Variations in water temperatures and levels in the St. Lawrence River (Quebec, Canada) and potential implications for three common fish species. Hydrobiologia 647 : 145-161.
Dröscher, I., Patoine, A., Finlay, K. et Leavitt, P.R. 2009. Climate control of the spring clear-water phase through the transfer of energy and mass to lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 54 (6, part 2): 2469-2480.
PATOINE, A. et Leavitt, P.R. 2008. Landscape analysis of the role of N2 fixation in satisfying algal demand for N in eutrophic lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30: 366-370.
Dröscher, I., Finlay, K., PATOINE, A. et Leavitt, P.R. 2008. Daphnia control of the spring clear-water phase in six polymictic lakes of varying productivity and size. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30: 186-190.
Finlay, K., Beisner, B.E., PATOINE, A. et Pinel-Alloul, B. 2007. Regional ecosystem variability drives the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down factors of zooplankton size spectra. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 64: 516-529.
PATOINE, A., Graham, M.D. et Leavitt, P.R. 2006 Spatial variation of nitrogen fixation in lakes of the northern Great Plains. Limnology and Oceanography 51: 1665-1677.
Leavitt, P.R., Brock, C.S., Ebel, C. et PATOINE, A. 2006. Landscape-scale effects of urban nitrogen on a chain of freshwater lakes in central North America. Limnology and Oceanography 51: 2262-2277.
PATOINE, A. et Leavitt, P. 2006. Century-long synchrony of fossil algae in a chain of Canadian prairie lakes. Ecology 87: 1710–1721.
PATOINE, A., Pinel-Alloul, B., Méthot, G. et Leblanc, M.-J. 2006. Comparison of conventional and automated measurement methods of lake zooplankton biomass. Journal of Plankton Research 28: 695-705.
PATOINE, A., Graham, M., Leavitt, P.R. et Hesslein, R. 2005. Landscape-scale patterns of nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29: 257-260.
McGowan, S., PATOINE, A., Graham, M., Leavitt, P.R. Intrinsic and extrinsic controls of lake phytoplankton synchrony. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. Vol. 29: 794-798.
PATOINE, A., Pinel-Alloul, B. et Prepas, E.E. 2002a. Effects of catchment perturbations by logging and wildfires on zooplankton species richness and composition in Boreal Shield lakes. Freshwater Biology 47: 1996-2014.
PATOINE, A., Pinel-Alloul, B. et Prepas, E.E. 2002b. Influence of catchment deforestation by logging and natural forest fires on crustacean community size structure in lakes of the Eastern Boreal Canadian Forest. Journal of Plankton Research 24: 601-616.
PATOINE, A., Pinel-Alloul, B., Prepas, E.E. et Carignan, R. 2000. Do logging and forest fires influence zooplankton biomass in Canadian Boreal Shield lakes? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57 (Suppl. 2): 155-164.
Stephenson, R.J., PATOINE, A. et Guiot, S.R. 1999. Effects of oxygenation and upflow liquid velocity on a coupled anaerobic/aerobic reactor system. Water Research 33: 2855-2863.
Pinel-Alloul, B., PATOINE, A. Carignan, R. et Prepas, E. 1998. Réponse du zooplancton lacustre aux feux et aux coupes de forêt dans l'écozone boréale du Québec: étude préliminaire. Annales de limnologie 34: 401-412.
PATOINE, A., Manuel, M.F., Hawari, J.A. et Guiot, S.R. 1997. Transformation and detoxification of abietic acid and dehydroabietic acid in a continuous anaerobic reactor. Water Research 31: 825-831.
PATOINE, A., Coté, R. et Paquet M. 1994. Anaerobic detoxification of a chemi-thermomechanical pulp effluent by two acclimating sludges. Water Poll. Res. J. Canada, 29: 471-486.