



Livre / Book

Reebs, S.G. 2001. Fish Behavior in the Aquarium and in the Wild. Cornell University Press, Ithaca. 252 p.


Recherches originales dans des revues arbitrées (1984-2011, aucune avant ou depuis)

     Original research in refereed journals (1984-2011, none before or since)

40) Veillette, M., & S.G. Reebs. 2011. Shelter choice by Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) in the laboratory. Animal Welfare 20: 603-611. pdf

39) Veillette, M., J. Guitard, & S.G. Reebs. 2010. Cause and possible treatments of foot lesions in captive Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Veterinary Medicine International 2010: 951708, 5 pages (Open access doi:10.4061/2010/951708). pdf

38) Veillette, M., & S.G. Reebs. 2010. Preference of Syrian hamsters to nest in old versus new bedding. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 125: 189-194. pdf

37) Beaulieu, A., & S.G. Reebs. 2009. Effects of bedding material and running wheel surface on paw wounds in male and female Syrian hamsters. Laboratory Animals 43: 85-90. pdf

36) Leblond, C., & S.G. Reebs. 2006. Individual leadership and boldness in shoals of golden shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas). Behaviour 143: 1263-1280. pdf

35) Lanteigne, M., & S.G. Reebs. 2006. Preference for bedding material in Syrian hamsters. Laboratory Animals 40: 410-418. pdf

34) Reebs, S.G., & P. St-Onge. 2005. Running wheel choice by Syrian hamsters. Laboratory Animals 39: 442-451. pdf

33) Reebs, S.G., & D. Maillet. 2003. Effects of cage enrichment on the daily use of running wheels by Syrian hamsters. Chronobiology International 20: 9-20. pdf

32) Reebs, S.G. 2001. Influence of body size on leadership in shoals of golden shiners, Notemigonus crysoleucas. Behaviour 138: 797-809. pdf

31) Reebs, S.G., & R. Cormier. 2001. Phase-shifting effects of dusk-like and dawn-like light pulses on the circadian activity rhythms of Syrian hamsters. Chronobiology International 18: 413-421. pdf

30) Reebs, S.G., & M. Laguë. 2000. Daily food-anticipatory activity in golden shiners: a test of endogenous timing mechanisms. Physiology and Behavior 70: 35-43. pdf

29) Laguë, M., & S.G. Reebs. 2000. Food-anticipatory activity of groups of golden shiners during both day and night. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 886-889. pdf

28) Laguë, M., & S.G. Reebs. 2000. Phase-shifting the light-dark cycle influences food-anticipatory activity in golden shiners. Physiology and Behavior 70: 55-59. pdf

27) Reebs, S.G. 2000. Can a minority of informed leaders determine the foraging movements of a fish shoal? Animal Behaviour 59: 403-409. pdf

26) Reebs, S.G. 1999. Time-place learning based on food but not on predation risk in a fish, the inanga (Galaxiasmaculatus). Ethology 105: 361-371. pdf

25) Reebs, S.G., & B.Y. Gallant. 1997. Food-anticipatory activity as a cue for local enhancement in golden shiners (Pisces: Cyprinidae, Notemigonuscrysoleucas). Ethology 103: 1060-1069. pdf

24) Reebs, S.G., & N. Saulnier. 1997. The effect of hunger on shoal choice in golden shiners (Pisces: Notemigonuscrysoleucas). Ethology 103: 642-652. pdf

23) Reebs, S.G., & P. Doucet. 1997. Relationship between circadian period and size of phase shifts in Syrian hamsters. Physiology and Behavior 61: 661-666. pdf

22) Reebs, S.G. 1996. Time-place learning in golden shiners (Pisces: Notemigonuscrysoleucas). Behavioral Processes 36: 253-262. pdf

21) Reebs, S.G., L. Boudreau, P. Hardie, & R. Cunjak. 1995. Diel activity patterns of lake chub and other fishes in a stream habitat. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 1221-1227. pdf

20) Lavery, R.J., & S.G. Reebs. 1994. Effect of mate removal on current and subsequent parental care in the convict cichlid. Ethology 97: 265-277. pdf

19) Doucette, D.R., & S.G. Reebs. 1994. Influence of temperature and other factors on the daily roosting times of mourning doves in winter. Canadian Journal of Zoology 72: 1287-1290. pdf

18) Reebs, S.G. 1994. Nocturnal mate recognition and nest-guarding by female convict cichlids (Pisces, Cichlidae: Cichlasomanigrofasciatum). Ethology 96: 303-312. pdf

17) Reebs, S.G., & J. St-Coeur. 1994. Aftereffects of scheduled daily exercise on free-running circadian period in Syrian hamsters. Physiology and Behavior 55: 1113-1117. pdf

16) Reebs, S.G. 1994. The anticipation of night by fry-retrieving convict cichlids. Animal Behaviour 48: 89-95. pdf

15) Reebs, S.G. 1993. A test of time-place learning in a cichlid fish. Behavioral Processes 30: 273-282. pdf

14) Reebs, S.G., & P.W. Colgan. 1992. Proximal cues for nocturnal egg care in convict cichlids, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum. Animal Behaviour, 43: 209-214. pdf

13) Reebs, S.G., & P.W. Colgan. 1991. Nocturnal care of eggs and circadian rhythms of fanning activity in two normally diurnal cichlid fishes, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum and Herotilapia multispinosa. Animal Behaviour, 41: 303-311. pdf

12) Reebs, S.G., & N. Mrosovsky. 1990. Photoperiodism in house sparrows: testing for induction with nonphotic zeitgebers. Physiological Zoology 63: 587-599. pdf

11) Reebs, S.G., R.J. Lavery, & N. Mrosovsky. 1989. Running activity mediates the phase‑advancing effects of dark pulses on hamster circadian rhythms. Journal of Comparative Physiology (A) 165: 811‑818. pdf

10) Reebs, S.G., & N. Mrosovsky. 1989. Large phase‑shifts of circadian rhythms caused by exercise in a re‑entrainment paradigm: the role of light and pulse duration. Journal of Comparative Physiology (A) 165: 819‑825. pdf

9) Reebs, S.G., & N. Mrosovsky. 1989. Effect of induced wheel‑running on the circadian activity rhythms of Syrian hamsters: entrainment and phase‑response curve. Journal of Biological Rhythms 4: 39‑48. pdf

8) Reebs, S.G. 1989. Acoustical entrainment of circadian activity rhythms in house sparrows: Constant light is not necessary. Ethology 80: 172‑181. pdf

7) Reebs, S.G. 1987. Roost characteristics and roosting behaviour of Black‑billed Magpies, Pica pica, in Central Alberta. Canadian Field‑Naturalist 102: 519‑525. pdf

6) Reebs, S.G., & D.A. Boag. 1987. Regurgitated pellets and late winter diet of Black‑billed Magpies, Pica pica, in Central Alberta. Canadian Field‑Naturalist 101: 108‑110. pdf

5) Reebs, S.G. 1986. Sleeping behavior of black‑billed magpies under a wide range of temperatures. Condor 88: 524‑526. pdf

4) Reebs, S.G. 1986. Influence of temperature and other factors on the daily roosting times of black‑billed magpies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 64: 1614‑1619. pdf

3) Whoriskey, F.G., G.J. FitzGerald, & S.G. Reebs. 1986. The breeding season population structure of three sympatric territorial sticklebacks (Pisces: Gasterosteidae). Journal of Fish Biology. 29: 635‑648. pdf

2) Boag, D.A., S.G. Reebs, & M.A. Schroeder. 1984. Egg loss among spruce grouse inhabiting lodgepole pine forests. Canadian Journal of Zoology 62: 1034‑1037. pdf

1) Reebs, S.G., F.G. Whoriskey, & G.J. FitzGerald. 1984. Diel patterns of fanning activity, egg respiration, and the nocturnal behavior of male three‑spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus L. (f. trachurus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 62: 329‑334. pdf


Recherches originales dans des rapports techniques / Original research in technical reports

3) Reebs, S.G., P.M. Jackman, A. Locke, and W.L. Fairchild. 2011. Avoidance by sand shrimp, Crangon septemspinosa, of sandy areas covered by hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide) deposits. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2938. pdf

2) Reebs, S.G., S. Leblanc, A. Fraser, P. Hardie, & R.A. Cunjak. 2008. Upstream and downstream movements of lake chub, Couesius plumbeus, and white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, at Catamaran Brook, 1990-2004. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2791. pdf

1) Poussart, C., I. Robichaud, E. Tremblay, & S.G. Reebs. 1997. Impact of seagull presence on the reproductive success and vigilance behaviour of common terns in Kouchibougac National Park, New Brunswick. Parks Canada - Technical Report in Ecosystem Science, no. 8. pdf


Articles-synthèses ou chapitres de livre arbitrés / Refereed review articles or book chapters

5) Reebs, S.G. 2011. Circadian rhythms in fish. Pp. 736-743 In: Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment, Vol. 1 (A. P. Farrell, ed.). Academic Press, San Diego.  pdf

4) Zhdanova, I., & S.G. Reebs. 2006. Circadian rhythms in fish. Pp. 197-238 In: Fish Physiology, Vol 24: Behaviour and Physiology of Fishes (K.A. Sloman, R.W. Wilson, et S. Balshine, eds.). Elsevier, New York. pdf

3) Reebs, S.G. 2002. Plasticity of daily and circadian activity rhythms in fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 12: 349-371. pdf

2) Reebs, S.G. 1992. Sleep, inactivity, and circadian rhythms in fish. Pp. 127-135 In: Rhythms in Fishes (M.A. Ali, éditeur). Plenum, New York. pdf

1) Mrosovsky, N., S.G. Reebs, G.I. Honrado, & P.A. Salmon. 1989. Behavioural entrainment of circadian rhythms. Experientia 45: 696‑702. pdf


Commentaires dans des revues arbitrées / Commentaries in refereed journals

2) Reebs, S.G. 2010. Temporal complementarity of information-based leadership. Behavioural Processes 84: 685-686. pdf

1) Reebs, S.G. 1997. Abiotic factors and preroosting behavior of greylag geese: a comment. The Auk 114: 140-141. pdf


Articles de magazine / Magazine articles

Natural History

De 2002 à 2010, plus de 400 résumés de recherches vulgarisés dans le cadre de la rubrique Samplings.

From 2002 to 2010, over 400 research summaries written for a general audience as part of the Samplings column.


Freshwater and Marine Aquarium

4) Reebs, S.G. 1996. What kind of school do fish prefer? Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 19(6): 123-126. pdf

3) Reebs, S.G. 1994. How do fish react to low oxygen levels? Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 17(4): 214-216. pdf

2) Reebs, S.G. 1993. How much can fish learn? Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 16(9): 204-205. pdf

1) Reebs, S.G. 1991. Do fish sleep at night? Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 14(4): 59-60. pdf


Le Naturaliste du Nouveau-Brunswick

1) Reebs, S.G. 1992. Le sommeil des oiseaux. Le Naturaliste du N.-B. 19: 50-51. pdf


Sites web / Web sites


Fish trivia I: Books and links on fish behaviour.

Fish trivia II: What's behind the name of some fishes?

Fish trivia III: Some records in the fish world.

Fishes feigning death.

Mobbing in fishes.

Can fishes build things?

Tool use in fishes

"Handedness" in fishes

Cooperation in fishes

Social intelligence in fishes

Long-term memory in fishes

Fishes in space

How do fishes react to total solar eclipses?

Sleep in fishes

Oxygen and fish behaviour

How do parasites affect fish behaviour?

The sex lives of fishes

Are fishes good parents?

Aggression in fishes

How fishes try to avoid predators

How fishes find their way around


Site internet de la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Moncton

L'éclipse solaire au service des biologistes.

La logique des poissons.

La jonction entre disciplines : lieu de créativité en science.

Ornithologie : science à la portée de tous.

Théories, preuves, inférence.

Les isotopes et leurs applications en science.

À la recherche de nouveaux records.

Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps.

La science et les nouvelles.

La science des prédictions climatiques.

Comment répondre aux objections à la théorie de l'évolution.

Pensée critique.


Critiques de livre / Book reviews

14) Coloniality in the Cliff Swallow: The effect of group size on social behavior (C.R. Brown & M.B. Brown, authors). Canadian Field-Naturalist, 112: 171-172 (1998). pdf

13) Foundations of animal behavior: classic papers with commentaries (Lynne D. Houck & Lee C. Drickamer, éditors). Can. Field-Nat., 111: 683-684 (1997). pdf

12) Leks (J. Höglund $ R. Alatalo, authors). Can. Field-Nat., 111: 526-527 (1997). pdf

11) Polygygy and sexual selection in Red-winged Blackbirds (W. Searcy & K. Yasukawa, authors). Can. Field-Nat., 110: 717 (1996). pdf

10) Bats: a community perspective (J.S. Findley, author). Can. Field-Nat., 110: 373-374 (1996). pdf

9) The Northern Goshawk: ecology and management (W.M. Block et al., éditors). Can. Field-Nat., 109: 495 (1995). pdf

8) Kangaroos: the marvelous mob (Terry Domico, author). Can. Field-Nat., 109: 486 (1995). pdf

7) Fishwatching (C.L. Smith, author). Can. Field-Nat., 109: 133 (1995). pdf

6) Bird Census Techniques (Colin Bibby et al., authors). Can. Field-Nat., 108: 124 (1994). pdf

5) Atlas of breeding birds of the Maritime provinces (Anthony Erskine, author). Can. Field-Nat., 108:119 (1994). pdf

4) The ostrich communal nesting system (Brian C.R. Bertram, author). Can. Field-Nat., 107: 549 (1993). pdf

3) Bird trapping and bird banding (Hans Bub, author). Can. Field-Nat., 106: 412-413 (1992). pdf

2) Golden-Crowned Kinglets (Robert Galati, author). Can. Field-Nat., 106: 284-285 (1992). pdf

1) The magpies (Tim Birkhead, author). Can. Field-Nat., 106: 408-409 (1992). pdf


Notes de cours

Science et pensée critique  pdf

BIOL4393 Évolution  pdf

BIOL3633 Concepts de physiologie animale comparée I  pdf

BIOL3363 Ornithologie   pdf

BIOL2363 Zoologie des vertébrés  pdf

BIOL1233/1243 Anatomie et physiologie humaine II   pdf

BIOL1133/1143 Anatomie et physiologie humaine I   pdf