Une liste à jour de mes publications est également disponible sur mon profil Google Scholar. Toutes mes publications sont disponbile en libre accès sur arXiv.
- P. Poitras, E. Meyer-Scott & D. R. Hamel, Low-noise heralded single photons from cascaded downconversion, Optics express 26, 12930 (2018).
- S. Agne, T. Kauten, J. Jin, E. Meyer-Scott, J. Z. Salvail, D. R. Hamel, K. J. Resch, G. Weihs & T. Jennewein, Observation of genuine three-photon interference, Physical Review Letters 118, 153602 (2017).
- L. M. Procopio, L. Rozema, Z. J. Wong, D. R. Hamel, K. O'Brien, X. Zhang, B. Dakić & P. Walther, Single-Photon Test of Hyper-Complex Quantum Theories, Nature Communications Procopio et al. Nature Communications 8, 15044 (2017).
- E. Meyer-Scott, D. McCloskey, K. Gołos, J. Z. Salvail, K. A. G. Fisher, D. R. Hamel, A. Cabello, K. J. Resch & T. Jennewein, Certifying the Presence of a Photonic Qubit by Splitting It in Two, Physical Review Letters 116, 070501, (2016).
- L. K. Shalm et al. A strong loophole-free test of local realism, Physical Review Letters 115, 250401 (2015).
- L. M Procopio, A. Moqanaki, M. Araújo, F. Costa, I. A Calafell, E. G. Dowd, D. R. Hamel, L. A. Rozema, C. Brukner & P. Walther, Experimental superposition of orders of quantum gates, Nature Communications 6, 7913 (2015).
- D. R. Hamel, L. K. Shalm, Hübel, A. J. Miller, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, R. P. Mirin, S. W, Nam, K. J. Resch & T. Jennewein, Direct generation of three-photon polarization entanglement, Nature Photonics 8, 801-807 (2014).
- P. Kolenderski, C. Scarcella, K. D. Johnsen, D. R. Hamel, C. Holloway, L. K. Shalm, S. Tisa, A. Tosi, K. J. Resch & T. Jennewein, Time-resolved double-slit experiment with entangled photons, Scientific Reports 4, 4685 (2014).
- L. K. Shalm, D.R. Hamel, Z. Yan, C. Simon, K. J. Resch & T. Jennewein, Three-photon energy-time entanglement, Nature Physics 9, 19-22 (2013).
- Z. Yan, D. R. Hamel, A. K. Heinrichs, X. Jiang, M. A. Itzler & T. Jennewein, An ultra low noise telecom wavelength free running single photon detector using negative feedback avalanche diode, Review of Scientific Instuments 83, 073105 (2012).
- R. Prevedel, D.R. Hamel, R. Colbeck, K. Fisher & K.J. Resch, Experimental investigation of the uncertainty principle in the presence of quantum memory and its application to witnessing entanglement, Nature Physics 7, 757-761 (2011).
- Y. Lu, N. Coish, D.R. Hamel, S. Croke & K.J. Resch, Minimum-error discrimination of entangled quantum states, Physical Review A 82, 042340 (2010).
- H. Hübel, D.R. Hamel, A. Fedrizzi, S. Ramelow, K.J. Resch & T. Jennewein, Direct generation of photon triplets using cascaded photon-pair sources, Nature 466, 601-603 (2010).
- D.N. Biggerstaff, R. Kaltenbaek, D.R. Hamel, G. Weihs, T. Rudolph & K.J. Resch, Cluster-state quantum computing enhanced by high-fidelity generalized measurements, Physical Review Letters 103, 240504 (2009).