


Au plan des publications scientifiques, la majorité de mes publications et présentations scientifiques, avec revue des pairs, exploitent les théories récentes en stratégie et en management comme la théorie des ressources (Resource Based View), l’alignement stratégique des stratégies des systèmes/technologies de l’information aux stratégies d’affaires, le développement des capacités organisationnelles et la planification stratégique avec le développement des modèles de maturité en gestion des connaissances organisationnelles.

Ainsi, je compte plusieurs articles publiés aux journaux scientifiques de mon domaine de recherche, un livre, des chapitres de livres arbitrés par les pairs et plusieurs présentations scientifiques dans de conférences prestigieuses aux États-unis, en Europe et au Canada comme IRMA (Information Resources Management Association), ICKM (International Conference on Knowledge Management), ECKM (European Conference on Knowledge Management) et ASAC (Administrative Sciences Associations of Canada).


J'ai gagné des prix des meilleurs articles (« Best paper awards ») suivants:
 Fillion, G. et J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2012). Integrating ICT into Higher Education at the University of Moncton: A Quantitative Investigation of Onsite vs Online Student’s Perceptions, Proceedings of the E-Learn 2012 Conference: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 567-576), Montréal, Québec, 9-12 octobre. (Cet article s’est mérité un “Best Paper Award” dans cette plus prestigieuse conférence internationale en e-learning ou 65 pays étaient représentés et ou seulement 4 “Best Paper Award” ont été attribués sur 365 articles présentés);
 Fillion, G., P. D. Mvuyekure, A. N. Nguejo et J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2012). Mobile Telephony: What Are the Influencing Factors of Using a Mobile Phone in Cameroon?, Proceedings of the Allied Academies Fall International Conference (Academy of Information and Management Sciences Division) (pp. 7-12), Las Vegas, Nevada, 10-13 octobre. (L’article complet s’est mérité un “Best Paper Award” dans la division Academy of Information and Management Sciences de la conférence et il sera publié dans Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ));
 Fillion, G., H. Braham et J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2012). Testing UTAUT on the Use of ERP Systems by Middle Managers and End-Users of Medium- to Large-Sized Canadian Enterprises, Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ), 15(2), 1-28. (“Best Paper Award” dans la division Academy of Information and Management Sciences de l’Allied Academies Fall International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 13-16 octobre, 2010);
Booto Ekionea, J.P. and G. Fillion (2010), "Knowledge Management Capabilities Consensus: Evidence from a Delphi Study", Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ), Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 25-52 (USA);
 Fillion, Gérard et J.P. Booto Ekionea (2010), "Testing a Moderator-Type Research Model on the Use of Mobile Phone”, Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ), Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.59-81 (USA).


Voici une bibliographie complète de mes publications:
 Swain, Deborah E. and J.P. Booto Ekionea (2014), « Knowledge Management Alignment Strategies for Organizations and E-Businesses », in Handbook of Strategic e-Business Management, Martínez-López, Francisco J. (Ed.), (USA, ISBN: 978-3-642-39746-2 (print), 978-3-642-39747-9 (online)), Springer, pp.657-685, 1011 pages;

Booto Ekionea, J.P., Gérard Fillion, and Vivi Koffi (2012), « Improving Municipal Information and Knowledge Management Capabilities: Case Study », Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM), Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 1250023_1-1250023_21 (USA);
 Fillion, G. et J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2012). Integrating ICT into Higher Education at the University of Moncton: A Study of Onsite vs Online Students’ Perceptions, Academy of Educational Leadership Journal (AELJ), 16(4), 65-86;
 Fillion, G., H. Braham et J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2012). Testing UTAUT on the Use of ERP Systems by Middle Managers and End-Users of Medium- to Large-Sized Canadian Enterprises, Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ), 15(2), 1-28;
 Fillion, G. et J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2012). Testing a Moderator-Type Research Model on the Use of High Speed Internet, Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ), 15(1), 47-72;
 Fillion, G. et J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2012). Integrating ICT into Higher Education at the University of Moncton: Onsite and Online Students Feelings, The Workplace Review, 9(Mars), 78-93;

Booto Ekionea, J.P. (2012), « Capacités organisationnelles spécifiques à la gestion de connaissances : conception et application d’un modèle de maturité à deux centres hospitaliers », Éditions universitaires européennes (EUE), ISBN : 978-3-8417-9118-4, pp.299;
Booto Ekionea, J.P. & G. Fillion (2011), "Knowledge Management Capabilities Consensus: Evidence from a Delphi Study", Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ), Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 25-52 (USA);
Booto Ekionea, J.P., Michel Plaisent and Prosper Bernard (2011), « Consensus par la méthode Delphi sur les concepts clés des capacités organisationnelles spécifiques à la gestion des connaissances », La revue « Recherches Qualitatives », Vol. 29, No. 3, pp.168-192 (Canada);
Booto Ekionea, J.P., G. Fillion, P. Bernard, and M. Plaisent (2011), "Towards a Model of Knowledge Management Competences as an Organizational Capability", IEEE 2011 • 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE)• Nanjing , China:;
Booto Ekionea, J.P., P. Bernard, and M. Plaisent (2011), "Towards an Integrated Model of Knowledge Management Capabilities", IEEE 2011 • 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE)• Nanjing , China:;
 Fillion, G. & J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2011), "Integrating ICT into Higher Education at the University of Moncton: A Study of Onsite vs Online Students' Perceptions", Proceedings of the Allied Academies Fall International Conference (Academy of Educational Leadership Division) (pp. 15-20), Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), 12-15 octobre;
Booto Ekionea, J.-P., G. Fillion et V. Koffi (2011), "Improving Municipal Information and Knowledge Management Capabilities: Case Study", Proceedings of the 41th Atlantic Schools of Business (ASB) Conference (pp. 272-291), Charlottetown, Île-du-Prince-Édouard (Canada), 30 septembre-2 octobre;
 Fillion, G. & J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2011), "Integrating ICT into Higher Education at the University of Moncton: What Onsite and Online Students Are Thinking about it", Proceedings of the 41th Atlantic Schools of Business (ASB) Conference (pp. 259-271), Charlottetown, Île-du-Prince-Édouard (Canada), 30 septembre-2 octobre;
 Fillion, Gérard & J.P. Booto Ekionea (2010), "Testing a Moderator-Type Research Model on the Use of Mobile Phone”, Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ), Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.59-81 (USA);
Booto Ekionea, J.P., Michel Plaisent and Prosper Bernard (2010), « Les technologies de l’information, la gestion des connaissances et un avantage concurrentiel soutenu : une analyse par la théorie des ressources », Revue de l'Université de Moncton, vol. 41, n° 1, 2010, p. 247-271;
Booto Ekionea, J.-P., G. Fillion, P. Bernard et M. Plaisent (2010), "Using the Soft System Methodology for Designing an Integrated and Inter-Firm Knowledge Management Capabilities Maturity Model", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management, Pittsburg, Pensylvanie (USA), 22-23 octobre;
 Fillion, G., H. Braham et J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2010), "Testing UTAUT on the Use of ERP Systems by Middle Managers and End-Users of Medium- to Large-Sized Canadian Enterprises", Proceedings of the Allied Academies Fall International Conference (Academy of Information and Management Sciences Division) (pp. 12-16), Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), 13-16 octobre. (L'article complet s'est mérité un "Best Paper Award" dans la division Academy of Information and Management Sciences de la conférence et il sera publié dans Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal (AIMSJ));
 Fillion, G. & J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2010), "Testing a Moderator-Type Research Model on the Use of High Speed Internet", Proceedings of the Allied Academies Fall International Conference (Academy of Information and Management Sciences Division) (pp. 7-11), Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), 13-16 octobre;
 Fillion, G., H. Braham et J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2010), "Using UTAUT to Identify the Influencing Factors on the Use of ERP Systems in Medium- to Large-Sized Canadian Enterprises", Proceedings of the 40th Atlantic Schools of Business (ASB) Conference, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse (Canada), 1-3 octobre;
 Fillion, G. & J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2010), "Using a Moderator-Type Research Model to Identify the Determining Factors in Satisfaction of Using High Speed Internet in Household", Proceedings of the 40th Atlantic Schools of Business (ASB) Conference, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse (Canada), 1-3 octobre;
 Fillion, G. & J.-P. Booto Ekionea (2010), "Using a Moderator-Type Research Model to Identify the Determining Factors in Satisfaction of Using High Speed Internet in Household", Proceedings of the 40th Atlantic Schools of Business (ASB) Conference, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse (Canada), 1-3 octobre;
Booto Ekionea, J.P. & G. Fillion (2009), "Using Soft System Methodology for designing an integrated KM capabilities maturity model", Administrative Sciences Associations of Canada, Proceedings ASAC-2009, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Jun 6-9, 2009;
 Fillion, Gérard & J.P. Booto Ekionea (2009), "La téléphonie mobile : les facteurs d’influence de l’intention d’achat d’un téléphone cellulaire", 77ième Congrès de ACFAS, 11-15 Mai 2009;
 Fillion, Gérard & J.P. Booto Ekionea (2009), "La téléphonie mobile : les facteurs d’influence de l’utilisation d’un téléphone cellulaire", 77ième Congrès de ACFAS, 11-15 Mai 2009;
 Fillion, Gérard & J.P. Booto Ekionea (2009), "La téléphonie mobile : les facteurs d’influence de l’utilisation de l’Internet haute vitesse à la maison", 77ième Congrès de ACFAS, 11-15 Mai 2009;
Booto Ekionea, J.P., Michel Plaisent and Prosper Bernard (2008), " Towards a consensus on KM capabilities concepts: evidence from a Delphi study", International Conference on Knowledge Management, ICKM2008, Hyatt regency Columbus, Ohio USA), October 23-24;
 Swain, Deborah E. & J.P Booto Ekionea (2008), "A Framework for Developing and Aligning a Knowledge Management Strategy ", Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM), Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.113-122 (USA);
Booto Ekionea, J.P. & Deborah E. Swain (2008), "Developing and Aligning a Knowledge Management Strategy: Towards a Taxonomy and a Framework", International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.29-45 (USA);
Booto Ekionea, J.P., Michel Plaisent and Prosper Bernard (2008), "Knowledge Management Capabilities: towards an integrated maturity model", Actes de la 1ère Conférence internationale: Systèmes d’Information et Intelligence Économique (SIIE), 14-16 février 2008 à Hammamet (TUNISIE);
Booto Ekionea, J.P., Michel Plaisent, and Prosper Bernard (2007), "Developing Knowledge Management competences as an organizational capability for business performance", communication à the "European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM2007", Barcelona (Spain), 6-7 September 2007;
Booto Ekionea, J.P. (2007), «Vers un modèle de gestion des connaissances pour la production de logiciels libres», (accepté pour présentation au Colloque «Cultures libres, innovations en réseau, le (logiciel) libre comme phénomène technique et social» à la) Semaine québécoise de l'informatique libre, Montréal (Canada), 17-18 septembre 2007;
Booto Ekionea, J.P. & Abou-Zeid El-Sayed (2005), "Knowledge Management and Sustained Competitive Advantage : A Resources Based Analysis", (Information Resources Management Association International Conference), proceedings IRMA-2005, San Diego (USA), May, 15-18;
Booto Ekionea, J.P. (2004), "Les technologies de l’information, la gestion des connaissances et l’avantage concurrentiel soutenu : une analyse par la théorie des ressources", Actes du Colloque de l'Association francophone de management électronique (A.F.M.E.), le Colloque le management "Click and Mortar", Nice 10 décembre, actes sur CD-ROM;
Booto Ekionea, J.P. (2004), "Vers un modèle empirique de gestion des connaissances organisationnelles", Revue francophone de @Management, , No. 11, pp.1-10, Septembre.