Conférences sur invitation, présentations régulières et affiches lors de conférences / Invited presentations, regular presentations and posters at conferences
Dernière mise à jour en août 2023/Last updated in August 2023
Gaétan Moreau, Billie Chiasson, Kevin Porter (2023) Landscape-scale projections of forest beetle community attributes. 80th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 3-4 août 2023.
Denis R. Boudreau, Gaétan Moreau (2023) Key ecological attributes within agroecosystems promoting conservation of insect communities and species at risk. 80th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 3-4 août 2023.
Amy Allard, Mélissa Laplante, Mélodi Lagacé, Denis R. Boudreau, Gaétan Moreau (2023) When insects weight in: relationships between morphometric measurements and biomass in beetles. 80th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 3-4 août 2023.
Moreau G (2023) Emergent spatio-temporal properties of carrion beetle aggregations on vertebrate carcasses. 19th meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology, 17-20 mai 2023, Kolympari, Crète, Grèce. Présentation invitée.
Lutz L, Amendt J, Moreau G (2023) It’s a trap! Baited traps as a poor proxy for carcass colonization. 19th meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology, 17-20 mai 2023, Kolympari, Crète, Grèce. Présentation invitée.
Boudreau D, Moreau G (2023) Spatial structure of abundant sarcosaprophagous Calliphoridae and its implications for forensic entomology. 19th meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology, 17-20 mai 2023, Kolympari, Crète, Grèce.
Moreau G (2022). La biodiversité au Nouveau-Brunswick et ailleurs : un aperçu de l’état des connaissances. Séminaire invité en Science politique (SCPO4530), Université de Moncton, Moncton. 28 septembre 2022. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Boudreau DR, Michaud J-P (2022) Death does not escape the definition of time and space, at least in forensic entomology. Symposium on Forensic Entomology in theory and practice, XXVI International Congress of Entomology, Helsinki, Finland, 17-22 juillet 2022. – Présentation invitée.
Boudreau DR, Moreau G (2022) How far can a fly fly? Spatial distribution of sarcosaprophagous Diptera in key habitats of Greater Moncton. 79th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus, Truro, Nova Scotia, 22 juillet 2022.
Lagacé M, Boudreau DR, Tousignant L, Moreau G (2022) What to think when there are too many individuals of the genus Eusphalerum to count? 79th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus, Truro, Nova Scotia, 22 juillet 2022.
Losier C, Boudreau DR, LeBlanc K, Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2022) At the Olympics of cadaver decomposition, beetles do not always come second. 79th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus, Truro, Nova Scotia, 22 juillet 2022.
Popescu L-E, Losier C, Moreau G (2022) When the red-lined carrion beetle fully assumes control over carcass. 79th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus, Truro, Nova Scotia, 22 juillet 2022.
Moreau G, Boudreau D, Chiasson B, Tousignant L, Porter K (2022) Using LiDAR and machine learning to model forest beetle metacommunity dynamics at the landscape scale. North American Forest Ecology Workshop, UQAM, Montréal, Québec, June 20-24, 2022. – Présentation invitée.
Losier C, Boudreau DR, Leblanc K, Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2022) Fall decay slowdown in northern latitudes: merely a matter of cold? 18th Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology. University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain, 15 - 17 June 2022. – Présentation invitée.
Boudreau DR, Hammami N, Moreau G (2021) Niche and metacommunity structure of sympatric Calliphoridae species competing for animal necromass. Joint Annual Meetings of The Entomological Society of Canada and Entomological Society of Ontario, 15-18 novembre 2021.
Tousignant L, Moreau G (2021) Effects of landscape-scale conservation on forest beetle assemblages in late successional stages of a secondary forest. Joint Annual Meetings of The Entomological Society of Canada and Entomological Society of Ontario, 15-18 novembre 2021.
Bourque G, Tousignant L, Moreau G (2021) Glischrochilus sanguinolentus : une espèce aussi abondante que difficile à prononcer. Journée de la recherche du premier cycle 2021, 10 septembre 2021, Moncton.
Caissie-Gilbert A, Boudreau D, Moreau G (2021) Mais pourquoi sont-ils si nombreux? Étude du genre Nicrophorus dans les forêts du Nouveau-Brunswick. Journée de la recherche du premier cycle 2021, 10 septembre 2021, Moncton.
Boudreau DR, Hammami N, Moreau G (2021) Competitive coexistence: How can so many species apparently occupy similar niches. 17th European Annual Forensic Entomology Meeting, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK, 9-11 juin 2021. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G (2020) Using EFI metrics and PFI data to model flight-dispersing beetles in Black Brook. Forest Research Advisory Committee meeting, 22 avril 2021.
LeBlanc K, Boudreau DR, Moreau G (2021) Small bait traps may not accurately reflect the composition of necrophagous Diptera communities associated to remains. The Aquaculture & Fisheries and Biology Conference, Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, 12-14 mars 2021.
Tousignant L, Chiasson B, Moreau G (2021) Quand les arbres cachent la forêt : effet du paysage forestier sur l’intégrité des vieilles forêts comme habitat faunique. The Aquaculture & Fisheries and Biology Conference, Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, 12-14 mars 2021.
Boudreau DR, Moreau G (2021) Competitive Coexistence in Sarcosaprophagous Calliphoridae Flies: Ecological Niche Differentiation and Metacommunity Dynamics. The Aquaculture & Fisheries and Biology Conference, Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, 12-14 mars 2021.
Hammami N, Moreau G, Privé J-P (2021) Variation de la teneur des cannabinoïdes pendant les stades de croissance de 12 variétés de chanvre industriel au Canada Atlantique. The Aquaculture & Fisheries and Biology Conference, Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, 12-14 mars 2021.
Moreau G, Chiasson B, Tousignant L, Boudreau D (2020) Response of flying Coleoptera communities to management and secondary forest succession. Forest Research Advisory Committee meeting, 1ier décembre 2020.
Moreau G (2020) Que signifie le déclin des insectes pour le fonctionnement de nos écosystèmes. Série de conférences des Ami.e.s de la nature du Sud-Est du N.-B., 3 novembre 2020, Shédiac. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G (2020) Experimental Design in Forensic Entomology. Digital World Congress of Forensic Entomology, 15-18 septembre 2020. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2019) Exhuming Mégnin’s hypothesis as a mechanism for insect succession on remains. 2019 Joint Meeting of Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 18-21 août 2019.
Boudreau D, Hammami N, Moreau G (2019) Environmental factors affecting the phenology and occurrence of forensically important insects in New Brunswick, Canada. 2019 Joint Meeting of Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 18-21 août 2019.
Chiasson B, Moreau G (2019) Successional convergence of flying Coleoptera communities in plantations and regenerated forests. 2019 Joint Meeting of Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 18-21 août 2019.
Mourant A, Lecomte N, Moreau G (2019) Indirect effects of an ecosystem engineer: How the Canadian beaver affects wood-boring beetle demographics. 2019 Joint Meeting of Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 18-21 août 2019.
Tousignant L, Chiasson B, Moreau G (2019) Same old same old? Landscape-scale management alters beetle community assembly within remnant old-growth forests. 2019 Joint Meeting of Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 18-21 août 2019.
Moreau G, Chiasson B, Tousignant L (2019) Response of flying Coleoptera communities to successional convergence and landscape-scale effects. FRAC meeting, 10 décembre 2019, Fredericton
Moreau G (2019) To bee or not to bee: Importance, ecological role and identification of hymenopterans in New Brunswick. Nature Moncton Meeting, 18 juin 2019. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Lutz L, Amendt J (2019) Necrophagous insect activity modulates the thermal microhabitat of concealed carcasses. 16th European Annual Forensic Entomology Meeting, Bordeaux, 5-7 juin 2019. – Présentation invitée.
Chiasson B, Moreau G (2018) To bore of not to bore; does landscape matter? 43e congrès annuel de la SQEBC, Trois-Rivières, 16-18 novembre 2018.
Moreau G (2018) A primer to the analysis and design of forensic studies. Zentrum der Rechtsmedizin, J.W. Goethe-Universität, Francfort-sur-le-Main, 3 mai 2018. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2018) An indirect test of sequential emanation of decomposition-related gases as a causal mechanism of succession on carrion. 15th European Annual Forensic Entomology Meeting, Munich, 25-28 avril 2018. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2017) Testing the resilience of the association between carrion decomposition stages and the insect community to increasing pre-exposure delays of carrion. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 6-7 août 2017.
Mourant A, Lecomte N, Moreau G (2017) The positive interrelation between the Canadian beaver and saproxylic beetles. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 6-7 août 2017.
Chiasson B, Moreau G (2017) Does patch retention act as anticipated on insect communities? Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 6-7 août 2017.
Gandiaga F, Moreau G (2017) Settling in or passing through: differentiating between wood-boring beetle visitation and colonization after a dead wood pulse. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 6-7 août 2017.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2017) The association between carrion decomposition and the insect community is resilient to increasing pre-exposure delays of carrion to insects. North American Forensic Entomology Association Conference and Business Meeting, Davis, California, 7-12 juillet 2017.
Moreau G (2017) Le rôle des insectes dans la décomposition et le maintien des écosystèmes. Série de conférences des Ami.e.s de la nature du Sud-Est du N.-B., 5 avril 2017, Shédiac. – Présentation invitée.
Mourant A, Lecomte N, Moreau G (2016) Indirect effects of an ecosystem engineer: how the canadian beaver affects saproxylic beetles. 41e Congrès de la Société Québécoise pour l’Étude Biologique du Comportement, Rimouski, 4-6 novembre 2016.
Moreau G (2016) Forensic biology: Where we’re at and where do we go from there. Annual Provincial Scientific Conference of New Brunswick Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists, 21-22 octobre 2016, Moncton. – Présentation invitée.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G, Schoenly KG (2016) Multiple independent discoveries, paradigm shifts, and testing the facilitation hypothesis of ecological succession. XXVe International Congress of Entomology, 25-30 septembre 2016, Orlando, Florida. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2016) How long has it been rotting for? Improving succession-based models to predict the period of insect activity on carcasses and cadavers. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Moncton, 27-29 juin 2016.
Thibault M, Moreau G (2016) Enhancing wood boring beetle demography with plantation thinning strategies. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Moncton, 27-29 juin 2016.
Gandiaga F, Moreau G (2016) Spatial response of saproxylic beetles to a resource pulse in intensively managed coniferous plantations. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Moncton, 27-29 juin 2016.
Mourant A, Lecomte N, Moreau G (2016) Beetles associated with beaver ponds, beaver meadows and conservation areas. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Moncton, 27-29 juin 2016.
Chiasson B, Moreau G (2016) Environmental parameters affecting the emergence phenology and flight period of the endangered Maritime Ringlet. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Moncton, 27-29 juin 2016.
Lortie F, Moreau G (2016) Beetle community response to patch retention harvesting in mixed forests of Southern New Brunswick. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Moncton, 27-29 juin 2016.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2016) But how probable is probable? A succession-based, probabilistic method for PIA estimation. XIIIe International Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology, 25-28 mai 2016, Budapest, Hongrie. – Présentation invitée.
Lutz L, Amendt J, Moreau G (2016) Decomposition and insect colonization on conceal pig carcasses. XIIIe International Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology, 25-28 mai 2016, Budapest, Hongrie.
Moreau G (2016) La vie après la mort : état actuel et progrès récents de la biologie médico-légale. Série de séminaires de recherche en santé du Réseau Vitalité, 15 avril 2015, Moncton. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Horgan FG, Michaud J-P, Nadeau P, Privé J-P, Thibault M (2015) The fuzzy link between insect diversity and ecosystem services in heterotrophic systems. Symposium: Causes and Consequences of Arthropod Diversity in a Changing World, Joint Annual Meeting of the Société d'entomologie du Québec and the Entomological Society of Canada, 8-11 novembre 2015, Montréal.
Gandiaga F, Moreau G (2015) Can deadwood resource pulses be used to increase and maintain biodiversity in coniferous plantations?. Joint Annual Meeting of the Société d'entomologie du Québec and the Entomological Society of Canada, 8-11 novembre 2015, Montréal.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G, Schoenly (2015) Multiple independent discoveries, paradigm shifts, and the future of fundamental and forensic entomology research. Joint Annual Meeting of the Société d'entomologie du Québec and the Entomological Society of Canada, 8-11 novembre 2015, Montréal.
Thibault M, Moreau G (2015) Plantation thinning strategies to promote primary beetle colonizers: how much deadwood is enough? Joint Annual Meeting of the Société d'entomologie du Québec and the Entomological Society of Canada, 8-11 novembre 2015, Montréal.
Gandiaga F, Moreau G (2015) Influence of a dead wood resource pulse on beetle communities in coniferous plantations. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 10-12 août 2015.
Lutz F, Amendt J, Moreau G (2015) Successive patterns of insect visitation on concealed pig carcasses. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 10-12 août 2015.
Morneau M-S, Moreau G (2015) Conservation value for beetles of retention patches in mixed forests of Southern New Brunswick. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 10-12 août 2015.
Mourant A, Lecomte N, Moreau G (2015) Coleopteran species associated with beaver ponds and meadows in Kouchibouguac National Park. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 10-12 août 2015.
Thibault M, Moreau G (2015) Effect of deadwood volumes and thinning strategies on longhorn beetle communities within spruce plantations. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 10-12 août 2015.
Moreau G, Comeau C, Horgan FG, Michaud J-P, Privé J-P (2015) Effects of perturbations on ecological services provided by heterotrophic insects in temperate and tropical agroecosystems. 8th Annual International Symposium on Agriculture, 13-16 juillet 2015, Athènes, Grèce. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G (2014) Modelling carcass visitation by sarcosaprophagous Diptera: a comparative analysis in temperate and tropical areas. Symposium on Forensic Dipterology, International Congress of Dipterology, 9-16 août 2014, Potsdam, Allemagne. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G (2013) Experiments in rice: inference, independence and indifference. Rice Seminar Series of the International Rice Research Institute, 26 septembre 2013, Los Baños, Philippines. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G (2013) The secret lives of entomologists: a case study. Seminar in entomology, International Rice Research Institute, 5 septembre 2013, Los Baños, Philippines. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2013) Challenging the untested assumptions of forensic entomology. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 2-4 juillet 2013.
Gandiaga F, Moreau G (2013) Influence of dead wood accessibility and availability on beetle communities in coniferous plantations. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 2-4 juillet 2013.
Nadeau P, Moreau G (2013) Composing to decompose – Short-term response of saproxylic beetle communities to intensive management of plantation forests. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 2-4 juillet 2013.
Thibault M, Moreau G (2013) The effects of variable rates of woody debris retention on longhorn beetles in white spruce plantations. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Charlottetown, 2-4 juillet 2013.
Nadeau P, Moreau G (2013) Short-term effects of commercial thinning in managed spruce plantations on saproxylic beetles communities. Forest Research Advisory Committee Workshop, Saint-Léonard, Nouveau-Brunswick, 25-26 juin 2013.
Thibault M, Moreau G (2013) The effects of variable rates of woody debris retention on longhorn beetles in white spruce plantations. Forest Research Advisory Committee Workshop, Saint-Léonard, Nouveau-Brunswick, 25-26 juin 2013.
Gandiaga F, Moreau G (2013) Influence of the accessibility and availability of resources on saproxylic beetles. Forest Research Advisory Committee Workshop, Saint-Léonard, Nouveau-Brunswick, 25-26 juin 2013.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2013) Misuses and common abuses committed in the planning and analysis of experiments: when statistical incompetence threatens to derail the criminal justice process. Crandall University, 2 avril 2013, Moncton. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G (2013) Écarts et abus fréquents commis dans la planification et l’analyse d’expériences : lorsque l’incompétence statistique fait dérailler le processus judiciaire au criminel. Conférence pour l’année internationale de la statistique, Département de mathématiques et de statistique, Université de Moncton, 17 janvier 2013, Moncton. – Présentation invitée.
Nadeau P, Moreau G (2012) Lets decompose to compose: saproxylic beetles in white spruce plantation and coniferous old-growth forest. Forest Research Advisory Committee Workshop, Fredericton, 28 novembre 2012.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2012) Sampling flies or sampling flaws? Current trends and paradigms in forensic entomology. 35th Canadian Identification Society Annual Education Conference, Calgary, 17-20 septembre 2012.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2012) Recurrent perturbations associated with daily maggot sampling in forensic studies affect the assembly of the carrion-insect community. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 15-17 août 2012.
Nadeau P, Moreau G (2012) Shifts in the assemblage structure of saproxylic beetles in response to intensive management of plantation forests. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 15-17 août 2012.
Moreau G, Comeau C, Privé J-P (2012) Disentangling the effects of structural and compositional heterogeneity of habitat on animal community assembly. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 15-17 août 2012.
Thibault M, Moreau G (2012) Effect on cerambycid beetles of variable rates of woody debris retention in spruce plantation: preliminary results. Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, 15-17 août 2012.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G, Schoenly KG (2012) A biography of pseudoreplication and experimental design basics. Symposium on experimental design and statistics, 10th Annual Meeting of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 18-20 juillet 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P, Schoenly KG (2012) A user’s guide to misanalyzing planned experiments. Symposium on experimental design and statistics, 10th Annual Meeting of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 18-20 juillet 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada. – Présentation invitée.
Schoenly KG, Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2012) Analysis and dissemination of forensic data. Symposium on experimental design and statistics, 10th Annual Meeting of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 18-20 juillet 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2012) Effect of variable rates of daily maggot sampling on carrion-insect community assembly. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 18 au 20 juillet 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, p. 25.
Nadeau P, Moreau G (2012) Saproxylic beetles response to different amount of dead wood in managed spruce plantations and in old-growth, coniferous forests. Forest Research Advisory Committee Workshop, Saint-Léonard, Nouveau-Brunswick, 20-21 juin 2012.
Goguen J, Moreau G (2012) Short-term Dynamics of the Blueberry Flea Beetle. Bleuets NB Blueberries Annual General Meeting, 30-31 mars 2012, Moncton. – Présentation invitée.
Fauteux J, Moreau G (2011) Short-term effects of deadwood management strategies on saproxylic beetles in plantations: theoretical considerations and preliminary results. Forest Research Advisory Committee Workshop, Fredericton, 30 novembre 2011.
Goguen J, Moreau G (2011) How can we help blueberries “flee” beetles: within- and between-field factors influencing the Blueberry flea beetle. Symposium on Insect pests of Vaccinium spp., Joint Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 6-9 novembre 2011. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2011) Death and succession planning: can we trust insects to do it right? Symposium on Evolution and Assembly of Insect Communities, Joint Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 6-9 novembre 2011. – Présentation invitée.
Fauteux J, Moreau G (2011) How much is too little? Short-term effects of deadwood management strategies on saproxylic beetles in plantations. Joint Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 6-9 novembre 2011.
Moreau G, Michaud J-P (2011) Methodological issues pertaining to the analysis of successional data. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 20 au 22 juillet 2011, College Station, Texas, p. 24.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2011) Ecological succession: origins, mechanisms and application in forensic entomology. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 20 au 22 juillet 2011, College Station, Texas, p. 9.
Quiring D, Grégoire D, Moreau G, Royer L (2010) Influence of thinning and establishment of balsam woolly adelgid on susceptibility of balsam fir stands to defoliators in eastern Canada. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, 12-15 décembre, San Diego, California. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G (2010) The use of insects in forensic medecine. Meeting of the New Brunswick Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists (MARITECH), 4-6 novembre 2010, Moncton. – Présentation invitée.
Comeau C, Privé J-P, Moreau G (2010) Life undercover: assessing the ecological impacts of reflective groundcovers through changes in ground beetle (Coleoptera : Carabidae) assemblages. Proceedings of the Joint annual meeting of the Entomological Societies of Canada and British Columbia, 31 octobre au 3 novembre 2010, Vancouver, p. 51.
Goguen J, Moreau G (2010) Blueberry field characteristics influence Blueberry flea beetle distribution and damage. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Wild Blueberry Research and Extension Workers, 21 octobre 2010, Québec, p. 9.
Moreau G, Lucarotti C (2010) Landscape-scale spatial dynamics of balsam fir sawfly populations and of its baculovirus during an outbreak. Proceedings of the ECANUSA Forest Science Conference, 14-16 octobre 2010, Edmundston, p. 41.
Goguen J, Moreau G (2010) Dépistage hâtif des épidémies d'altise de l'airelle (Altica sylvia). Clinique de lutte intégrée contre les parasites, 16-17 juillet 2010, St-Joseph-de-Kent.
Michaud J-P, Schoenly KG, Moreau G (2010) Forensic Entomology: How Far Have We Come? 8th Annual Meeting of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 8-9 juillet 2010, Windsor.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2010) The use of repeated larval samplings on carcasses to test the facilitation hypothesis of ecological succession. 8th Annual Meeting of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 8-9 juillet 2010, Windsor.
Privé J-P, Moreau G, Russell L, Comeau C, LeBlanc A (2010) Modified Polytunnels for Raspberries: Rain Shelters in New Brunswick. Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Convention, 24-25 février 2010, Brock University, St. Catherines, ON.
Moreau G (2010) Décomposer la décomposition. Conférences de la Semaine des Sciences 2010, 10 février 2010, Moncton. – Présentation invitée.
Privé J-P, Moreau G, Russell L, Comeau C, LeBlanc A (2010) Protected Structures: Rain Shelters for raspberry production in New Brunswick. Horticulture Grower’s Short Course, 28-30 janvier 2010, Abbotsford, BC.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2009) A statistical approach based on accumulated degree-days to predict decomposition-related processes in forensic studies. 7th Annual Meeting of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 16-17 juillet 2009, Miami.
Phillips J, Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2009) Carcass decay through feeding activities of larval flies does not facilitate subsequent colonization by beetles. 7th Annual Meeting of the North American Forensic Entomology Association, 16-17 juillet 2009, Miami.
Privé J-P, Moreau G (2009) Evolution of raspberry cane management in the Maritimes. Nova Scotia Hort Congress, 26-27 janvier 2009, Kentville.
Moreau G (2008) Temporal changes in the structure of carabid beetle communities in response to the use of reflective groundcovers. Joint annual meeting of the Entomological Societies of Canada and Ontario, 19-22 octobre 2008, Ottawa.
Goguen J, Moreau G, Chiasson G, Mackenzie K (2008) Predicting defoliation and future population density from current population data in Blueberry flea beetle. Joint annual meeting of the Entomological Societies of Canada and Ontario, 19-22 octobre 2008, Ottawa.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2008) Estimation of postmortem interval from insect community structure using logistic regressions. Joint annual meeting of the Entomological Societies of Canada and Ontario, 19-22 octobre 2008, Ottawa.
Phillips J, Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2008) Effects of repeated sampling of larval populations on the colonisation of carcasses by carrion insects. Joint annual meeting of the Entomological Societies of Canada and Ontario, 19-22 octobre 2008, Ottawa.
Moreau G, Privé J-P (2008) Changes in the carabid beetle community in response to the use of reflective groundcovers in berry crops. 68th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, 15-17 Juin 2008, St. John's, NL.
Moreau G, Phillips J, Michaud J-P (2008) Intra-and interspecific interactions between carrion insects at carcasses. 68th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, 15-17 Juin 2008, St. John's, NL.
Moreau G. (2008) Conséquences des perturbations écosystémiques sur les associations trophiques. Ateliers du Centre de recherches de l'Atlantique sur les aliments et l'horticulture, 22 février 2008, Bouctouche. – Présentation invitée.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2008) La vie après la mort : la faune entomologique des cadavres au service de la justice. Ateliers du Centre de recherches de l'Atlantique sur les aliments et l'horticulture, 22 février 2008, Bouctouche. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Björkman C (2007) Teasing out the effects of host plant quality and predator foraging strategies on leaf beetle survival in bioenergy crops. Joint meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Entomological Society of Saskatchewan, 30 septembre au 3 octobre 2007, Saskatoon.
Rousselle T, Privé J-P, Leblanc A, Moreau G (2007) Seasonal shifts in ground beetle diversity and abundance in raspberry plantations as affected by reflective groundcovers. Joint meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Entomological Society of Saskatchewan, 30 septembre au 3 octobre 2007, Saskatoon.
Michaud J-P, Moreau G (2007) Assembly rules for insects of carrion and their applications to forensic science. Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, 10-12 Juin 2007, Halifax. p. 24.
Moreau G (2007) The simplification of forest structure and its impact on bottom-up and top-down forces acting on insect herbivores. Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, 10-12 Juin 2007, Halifax. p. 16.
Rousselle T, Privé J-P, Leblanc A, Moreau G (2007) Evaluation of the effects of reflective groundcovers on ground beetle diversity and abundance. Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, 10-12 Juin 2007, Halifax. p. 26.
Moreau G (2006) Large-scale thinning treatments and their unexpected consequences on insular populations of eruptive defoliators. Workshop on Silviculture and pest management. The North American Forest Insect Work Conference, 22-26 mai 2006, Asheville, NC. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Quiring DT, Björkman C (2006) Trophic interactions in altered and frequently disturbed ecosystems: lessons from thinned forests and short rotation coppice plantations. Workshop on Natural forests/indigenous trees. The North American Forest Insect Work Conference, 22-26 mai 2006, Asheville, NC. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Eveleigh ES, Lucarotti CJ, Quiring DT (2006) Ecosystem alteration modifies the relative strengths of top-down and bottom-up forces in a herbivore population. Fifth annual meeting of the Biocontrol Network/Cinquième réunion annuelle du Réseau Biocontrôle, 2-4 février 2006, Kananaskis Village, Alberta.
Moreau G, Eveleigh ES, Lucarotti CJ, Quiring DT (2005) Ecosystem alteration modifies the relative strengths of top-down and bottom-up forces in a herbivore population. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, 7-11 août 2005, Anchorage, Alaska.
Moreau G, Lucarotti CJ, Kettela EG, Barber KN, Holmes SE, Holmes SB, Weaver C, Morin B (2005) Heterologous baculovirus pathogenicity in the absence of contemporary coevolution. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, 7-11 août 2005, Anchorage, Alaska.
Moreau G (2005) Balsam fir sawfly outbreaks in Atlantic Canada: Exceptional events or early warnings. Science Seminar Series of the Canadian Forest Service, 24 février 2005, Fredericton. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Lucarotti CJ, Kettela EG, Thurston GS, Holmes S, Weaver C, Levin DB, Morin B (2005) Field applications of a nucleopolyhedrovirus against the balsam fir sawfly, Neodiprion abietis. SERG International and Canadian Forest Service Workshop, 7-10 février 2005, Fredericton.
Moreau G, Lucarotti CJ, Kettela EG, Barber KN, Holmes S, Holmes SB, Weaver C, Morin B. (2005) Pathogenicity in laboratory and in the field of a North American baculovirus against exotic Eurasian sawflies. SERG International and Canadian Forest Service Workshop, 7-10 février 2005, Fredericton.
Moreau G, Bauce É, Dupont A (2005) Field and laboratory trials of multiple applications of Bacillus thuringiensis against the spruce budworm. SERG International and Canadian Forest Service Workshop, 7- 10 février 2005, Fredericton.
Moreau G, Kettela EG, Thurston GS, Holmes S, Weaver C, Morin B, Levin DB, Lucarotti CJ (2004) Induction of population decline in balsam fir sawfly with its baculovirus. Regional Meeting of the Biocontrol Network, 17 novembre 2004, Edmonton. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Kettela EG, Barber KN, Holmes S, Holmes SB, Morin B, Weaver C, Lucarotti CJ (2004) The role of contemporary coevolution in the retention of a host range in baculoviruses. Joint Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, 15-18 octobre 2004, Charlottetown.
Moreau G, Kettela EG, Thurston GS, Holmes S, Weaver C, Morin B, Levin DB, Lucarotti CJ (2004) Induction of population decline in balsam fir sawfly with its baculovirus. Joint Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Acadian Entomological Society, 15-18 octobre 2004, Charlottetown.
Moreau G, Kettela EG, Thurston GS, Holmes S, Weaver C, Morin B, Levin DB, Lucarotti CJ (2004) Biological control of outbreaking populations of the balsam fir sawfly with its baculovirus. Eastern CANUSA Forest Science Conference, 15-16 octobre 2004, Fredericton.
Moreau G, Kettela EG, Thurston GS, Holmes S, Weaver C, Morin B, Levin DB, Lucarotti CJ (2004) Suppression of field populations of balsam fir sawfly with its nucleopolyhedrovirus. Joint Fourth Annual Meeting and Ontario Regional Meeting of the Biocontrol Network, 5-8 mai 2004, Windsor.
Moreau G, Ostaff D, Eveleigh ES, Lucarotti CJ, Morin B, Quiring DT (2003) Factors affecting the population dynamics of balsam fir sawfly. Proceedings of the Joint meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 1- 5 novembre 2003, Kelowna. p. 53.
Moreau G (2003) Outbreak dynamics of the balsam fir sawfly in thinned and unmanaged forests. Seminar Series, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maine, 24 octobre 2003, Orono, Maine. – Présentation invitée.
Lucarotti CJ, Kettela EG, Thurston GS, Holmes S, Weaver C, Morin B, Davies DC, Levin DB, Moreau G (2003) Field trials of the balsam fir sawfly nucleopolyhedrovirus to control its natural host, Neodiprion abietis (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae). Joint Spray Efficacy Research Group Workshop and Spruce Budworm Research Review, 19-23 octobre 2003, Prince Albert.
Quiring D, Moreau G, Ostaff D, Eveleigh E, Lucarotti C, Morin B (2003) Influence of the host plant and natural enemies on balsam fir sawfly populations. IUFRO Symposium on "Forest insect population dynamics and host influences," 14-19 septembre 2003, Kanazawa, Japon.
Lucarotti CJ, Kettela EG, Thurston GS, Holmes S, Weaver C, Morin B, Davies DC, Levin DB, Moreau G (2003) Field trials of the balsam fir sawfly nucleopolyhedrovirus to control its natural host, Neodiprion abietis (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae). IUFRO Symposium on "Forest insect population dynamics and host influences," 14-19 septembre 2003, Kanazawa, Japon.
Moreau G, Ostaff D, Eveleigh ES, Lucarotti CJ, Morin B, Quiring DT (2003) The role of a naturally-occurring NPV in the population dynamics of the balsam fir sawfly. Third annual meeting of the Biocontrol Network, 10-12 juillet 2003, Halifax.
Moreau G (2003) Conséquences de l'aménagement forestier sur les populations de diprions du sapin. 14e concours des jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs ACFAS-Acadie/FÉSR, 4 avril 2003, Université de Moncton, Moncton.
Moreau G (2002) Is intensive silviculture responsible for outbreaks of balsam fir sawfly? Symposium on Human Impacts on Forests: Consequences for Insect Populations. Proceedings of the Joint Annual General Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Entomological Society of Manitoba, 6-9 octobre 2002, Winnipeg. p. 45. – Présentation invitée.
Moreau G, Quiring DT, Eveleigh ES (2001) Influence of foliage-age on balsam fir sawfly performance. Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and the Entomological Society of Ontario, 21-24 octobre 2001, Niagara Falls. p. 28.
Moreau G, Lucarotti C, Quiring DT (2001) Population dynamics of the balsam fir sawfly in spaced and unspaced stands. Proceedings of the First Annual General Meeting of The Biocontrol Network, 19-20 octobre 2001, Niagara Falls. p. 57.
Moreau G (2001) Population dynamics of the balsam fir sawfly, Neodiprion abietis. NSERC/Industry/CFS Balsam fir sawfly Workshop 2001, 3 mai 2001, Corner Brook.
Moreau G (2000) Effect of spacing on the population dynamics of the balsam fir sawfly. Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Canada and Québec, 2-7 décembre 2000, Montréal. p. 58.
Moreau G, Eveleigh ES, Ostaff D, Quiring D (2000) Influence of spacing on density and survival of Balsam fir sawfly: Host plant and insect interactions. Proceedings of the Joint meeting of the 18th Eastern Spruce Budworm Research Work Conference and the Spray Efficacy Research Group Workshop, 29 octobre au 2 novembre 2000, Fredericton. Appendice CC.
Quiring D, Eveleigh E, Moreau G, Piene H, Scarr T, Thurston G, Ostaff D (2000) Influence of spacing on defoliation by the Balsam fir sawfly. Proceedings of the Joint meeting of the 18th Eastern Spruce Budworm Research Work Conference and the Spray Efficacy Research Group Workshop, 29 octobre au 2 novembre 2000, Fredericton. Appendice BB.
Moreau G (2000) Effect of spacing on the population dynamics of the balsam fir sawfly, Neodiprion abietis (Harris). NSERC/Industry/CFS Balsam fir sawfly Workshop 2000, 3 mai 2000, Corner Brook.
Moreau G, Bauce É (2000) Evidence against aversion learning following Bacillus thuringiensis ingestion in Choristoneura fumiferana. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of Graduate Studies in Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 3-6 février 2000, Toronto. p. 55.
Moreau G, Bauce É (1999) Biological performance of spruce budworm larvae subject to double applications of Foray 48B. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of Graduate Students in Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 4-7 février 1999, Bar Harbor, Maine. p. 78-79.
Moreau G (1998) Effets d'une double application de Bt dans une même saison sur la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette. Atelier Université Laval/SOPFIM, 8 décembre 1998, Ste-Foy.
Moreau G, Bauce É (1998) Biological performance of spruce budworm larvae subject to double applications of Bt. Phytoprotection 79:156.
Moreau G, Bauce É (1998) Biological performance of spruce budworm larvae subject to double applications of Bt. Proceeding of the Joint Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada and la Société d'Entomologie du Québec, 31 octobre au 4 novembre 1998, Québec. p. 74.
Bauce É, Moranville D, Bidon Y, Carisey N, Dupont A, Han E, Moreau G (1998) Lethal and sublethal effects of Bt on spruce budworm. Spray Efficacy Research Group Workshop, 27-30 octobre 1998, Québec.
Bidon Y, Lamontagne M, Moreau G (1998) La lutte préventive et curative contre la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette: un système interactif. Midi-Conférences du CRBF, 3 mars 1998, Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Québec.
Moreau G, Bauce É (1998) Effets d'une double application de Bt dans une même saison sur les performances de la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette. Compte-rendus de la 14e Conférence annuelle d'étudiants-chercheurs en foresterie et en sciences environnementales, 29 janvier au 1ier février 1998, Foret Montmorency, Québec. p. 71.