Voices in Harmony: Integrating a 'Patient Voices Network" and Mobile technologies into New Brunswick Health Care ($84, 000). M. Johnson and M. Bélanger. 2012.
Reducing Costs Related to Driver Performance: the Healthy Driver Toolkit (1 800 000 $). Atlantic Innovation Fund. 2011. M.J. Johnson, C. Babineau, C. Brun, H. Iancu, R. LeBlanc, M. Bélanger, D.K. Kimmerly, J.K. Shoemaker, J. McAuliffe, D. Hay.
Development of a Predictive Model of Driving Performance in Individuals with Cardiovascular Disease (25 000 $). New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, 2011. M.J. Johnson & M. Bélanger.
Safe Transportation for Seniors (237 450 $). Auto21-Networks of Centres of Excellence, 2009. M. Bédard and J. Polgar Miller (co-PIs), P. Hagler, M. Johnson, J. McAuliffe, F. Michaud, M. Porter, L. Shaw, B. Vrkljan.
CIHR Team in Driving in Older Persons - Candrive II (5 578 753 $). Canadian Institutes for Health Research, 2008. Marshall, S., Man-Son-Hing, M (Co-PIs), Boase, P., Byszewski, A., Bédard, M., Cranney, A.B., Dobbs, A.R., Finestone, H.M., Gagnon, S., Gélinas, I., Johnson, M.J., Korner-Bitensky, N.A., Li, L.C., Mazer, B.L., Molnar, F.J., Montufar, J., Myers, A.M., Naglie, G., Polgar, J.A., Porter, M.M., Rapoport, M.J., Stiell, I.G., Tuokko, H.A., Vrkljan, B.H., Wells, G.A.
Interdisciplinary Research Program on Safe Driving (95 000 $). NSERC Research Capacity Development Grant, 2007. Bédard, M., Johnson, M., McAuliffe, J., Newhouse, I., Ross, B., Suntres, Z., Weaver, B.