Conference Papers

Conference Papers

Conference Papers

"Transcendentalist Pastiche in Shane Neilson's Walt and Michael Pacey's Wild Apples." Atlantic Canadian Studies Conference. University of Maine, 10 May 2024.

"Is there room for Regional Canonicty? Atlantic-Canadian literature anthologies as case-study." Annual ACQL conference, Toronto, 30 May 2023.

"Bly in the Maritimes: the Poetry of Allan Cooper." Atlantic Canadian Studies Conference. UNB, Fredericton, 26 May 2022.

"Victorian Canada's 'amateur scientist': J.W.D. Moodie's Experiments with Spiritualism." Annual ACCUTE conference. virtual, 29 May 2021.

"Waldening Around Nova Scotia: Thoreauvian Elements in Brian Bartlett's 'Ringing Here and There: A Nature Calendar'." Annual ACQL conference. virtual, 29 May 2021.

"The River as Imaginative Catalyst in New Brunswick Poetry." Atlantic Canada Studies Conference. Wolfville, NS, May 2018.

"David Walker: New Brunswick's Forgotten Novelist; or, the Quest of the Critical Folk." 10th Thomas Raddall Symposium. Wolfville, NS, July 2017.

"Affected by Killing: Will R. Bird's Stories of the Great War." Annual ACQL conference. Calgary, Alberta, May 2016.

"The Evolution of a Storyteller: Will R. Bird's Writings on the Great War in The Legionary Magazine." Canadian Literature of World War I International Conference. Ottawa, Ontario, July-August 2014.

“Beyond the Boundaries of the Material World: Thomas Glendenning Hamilton's Camera Experiments and the Literature of Spiritualism in Canada.” Annual ACQL conference. St.Catharines, Ontario, May 2014.

"Mapping a Cultural Capital: Conditions for Literary Community in late-Victorian Fredericton." Meeting Places - an International Canadian Studies Conference. Sackville, NB, September 2013.

"Knowing Your Market: A Critical Examination of Recent Atlantic-Canadian Literature Anthologies." 8th Thomas Raddall Symposium - Atlantic-Canadian Writing in a Shifting World. Wolfville, NS, July 2013.

"Colonial Disobedience: Charles G.D. Roberts’s Vision for a National Literature." Atlantic Canadian Studies Conference. Saint John, NB, May 2012.

"The Writer-Soldier as Historian: Charles G.D. Roberts, the CWRO, and the Canada in Flanders Series." The Great War: From Memory to History Conference. London, Ontario, November 2011.

“Frank Parker Day`s “ilke worthy knight”: Rockbound as Neo-Medieval Romance.” ACCUTE conference. Fredericton, May 2011.

“Delusions of Grandeur: The Study of Canadian Literature and Its Impact on Canadian Identity.” Reasserting the National?: Questioning Origin(al)s in Canada Conference, University of Toronto, May 2010.

“Strange Beginnings: the Nation and the Supernatural in Early Canadian Literature.” Rediscovering Early Canadian Literature Symposium at the University of Ottawa. May 2010.

“He Do the Africadian in Different Genres: George Elliott Clarke’s Execution Poems and George&Rue as Twinned Counter-Narrative.” Annual ACCUTE conference. Ottawa, May 2009.

“What’s It Worth to You?: the Governor-General’s Literary Awards and the Matter of “Value” in Canadian Literary Prize Competitions.” NEMLA Conference. Buffalo, New York. March, 2009.

“'I have left my body behind, and have gone out into the world of spirits’: Flora MacDonald Denison and the Radical (Spiritualist) Tradition in Victorian Canada.” Annual ACCUTE conference. Vancouver, British Columbia. May, 2008.

“Creativity without Culture: the Mythical Shortcomings in New Brunswick’s Self-Sufficiency Agenda.” 2008 NBASRD Conference, Exploring the Dimensions of New Brunswick’s Self-Sufficiency. Fredericton, May, 2008.

“Bestsellers, Canada Reads, and the Problem of Literary Value: the Case of Frank Parker Day’s Rockbound”. NEMLA Conference. Buffalo, New York. April, 2008.

“Where East Meets West: The Theosophical Movement in Early Twentieth-Century Canadian Poetry.” Annual ACCUTE conference. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. May, 2007.

“Confronting ‘the mystery of life and fate’: Animals in Charles G.D. Roberts’s Earth’s Enigmas.” The Animals in this Country: A Canadian Literature Symposium. Ottawa, Ontario. May, 2005.

“Postmodern Tartanism?: Currie, MacLeod, and the Crisis of Scottish Heritage.” Thomas Raddall Symposium Series: The Rising Tide of Atlantic-Canadian Literature. Wolfville, Nova Scotia. October, 2004.

“ ‘A Pretty Piece of Business’: The Economic-Aesthetic Landscape in Anne of Green Gables.” Lucy Maud Montgomery Conference. Charlottetown, PEI. June, 2004.

“The Endless Knot of Canadian Postmodernism: Alistair MacLeod’s No Great Mischief.” MMLA Convention in Chicago, Illinois. November, 2003.