Louis Corriveau (2021). Technologies, Institutions, Development and Growth. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 57 : 159-164.
Louis Corriveau (2018). The Constitution of Patron-Client Relations and Patronage Appointments: A Study of Open and Limited Access. Constitutional Political Economy 29 (3) : 268 – 280 (September).
Louis Corriveau (2016). Elites, Institutions and Growth. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 26 (5) : 933 – 951 (December).
Louis Corriveau (2016). Returns to Scale and the Random Production of Innovations. Mathematical Social Sciences 84 : 134 – 137 (November).
Louis Corriveau (2012). Le jeu du pouvoir et l’analyse des rapports de la loi et de la morale. Revue européenne des sciences sociales 50 (2) : 175 – 195 (November – December).
Louis Corriveau (2012). Game Theory and the Kula. Rationality and Society 24 (1) : 106 - 128 (February).