Rhéaume, A. & Breau, M. (2022). Antecedents of burnout and turnover intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mediation study. Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing, 33(3), 6-16.
Boudreau, S. & Rhéaume, A. (2022). Estime de soi, facteurs socioculturels et troubles alimentaires : une étude corrélationnelle prédictive auprès des étudiants universitaires. LaRevue Francophone Internationale de Recherche Infirmière, 8, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.refiri.2022.100266
Rhéaume, A., Breau, M., & Boudreau, S. (2021). A critical incident study of ICU nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Ethics, 29(2), 317-329. 9697330211043270. https://doi.org/10.1177/09697330211043270
Rhéaume A. (2021). Job characteristics, emotional exhaustion, and work-family conflict in nurses. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 44(6), 548-556. doi: 10.1177/01939459211005712.
Légère, K. & Rhéaume, A. (2020). Effectiveness of nurse-led group cognitive-behavioral therapy on fatigue, quality of life and depression in heart failure: A pilot study. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 30(1), 13-21.
Doucet, C. & Rhéaume, A. (2020). Impact of an inter-hospital transfer module on critical care nurses’ preparedness for transfers. Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing, 31(2), 29-36.
Legal, P., Rhéaume, A. et Mullen J. (2019). The long-term effects of psychological demands on chronic fatigue. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(8), 1673-1681.
Mullen, J., Fiset, J. & Rhéaume, A. (2018). Destructive forms of leadership: The effects of abusive supervision and incivility on employee health and safety. Leadership and Organization Development Journal,39(7), 826-843.
Laschinger, H.K., Wong, C., Read, E., Cummings, G. Leiter, M., MacPhee, Rhéaume, A., Ritchie, J.A. Burokosi, V., Grinspun, D., Gurnham, M.E., Huckstep, S., Jeffs, L., MacDonald-Rencz, S., Ruffolo, M., Shamian, J., Wolff, A., Young-Ritchie, C. (2018), Predictors of new graduate nurses’ health over the first 4 years of practice, Nursing Open, 1-15.
Rhéaume, A. & Mullen J. (2017). The impact of long work hours and shift work on cognitive errors in nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, 26(1), 26-32.
Doucet, C., Breckenridge, T. & Rhéaume, A. (2017). On the road again: Improving inter-hospital transfers. Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing, 28(2), 31-36.
Regan, S., Wong, C., Laschinger, H.K., Cummings, G. Leiter, M., MacPhee, M., Ritchie, J.A. Wolff, A., Regan, S., Rhéaume, A., Jeffs, L., Young-Ritchie, C., Grinspun, D., Gurnham, M.E., Foster, B., Huckstep, S., Ruffolo, M., Shamian, J., Burkoski, V., Wood, K. & Read, E. (2017). Starting out: Qualitative perspectives of new graduate nurses and nurse leaders on transition to practice. Journal of Nursing Management, 25(4), 246-255.
Laschinger, H.K., Cummings, G., Leiter, M., Wong, C. Regan, S., Wong, C., Leiter, M., MacPhee, M., Rhéaume, A., Ritchie, J.A. Wolff, A., Jeffs, L., Young-Ritchie, C., Grinspun, D., Gurnham, M.E., Foster, B., Huckstep, S., Ruffolo, M., Shamian, J., Burkoski, V., Wood, K. & Read, E. (2016). Starting Out: A time-lagged study of new graduate nurses' transition to practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 57, 82-95.
Breau, M. & Rhéaume, A. (2014), The relationship between empowerment and work environment on job satisfaction, intent to leave and quality of care among ICU nurses. Canadian Journal of Critical Care, 25(3), 16-26.