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Press Release

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Highlights of the December 9, 2023, Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Université de Moncton

Name of the Université de Moncton

Stéphanie Chouinard and Maurice Basque, authors of the report Dénomination de l’Université de Moncton : un état des lieux, presented and answered questions from members of the Board of Governors of the Université de Moncton on Saturday.

After examining the many issues surrounding the name, the members of the board of governors decided not to prolong the process of reflection and not to change the name of the Université de Moncton. A proposal was also adopted to develop strategies and tools to contextualize the origin of the name of the Université de Moncton and to update the institution's toponymic policy based on the best practices in Canada.

“60 years ago, when the name of the Université de Moncton was identified, it was in consensus with its three campuses and based on the geographical location of its headquarters in the city of Moncton, not on a historical figure,” said Denis Mallet, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Université. “Acadian and French-speaking since its foundation, the Université de Moncton remains rooted in its communities, remembering history and looking to the future.”

The board would like to thank all members of the community who participated in the naming debate, demonstrating the importance and sense of belonging associated with the institution.

Resolution attached.

Université de Moncton to Invest in Housing

Under the Living Environment project of its Strategy, the Université de Moncton aims to create a healthy, stimulating and caring living environment. One of the priority objectives of this project is to upgrade the university's infrastructures.

Investments are needed to keep current housing safe and up to today's standards. As a result, starting in September 2024, housing costs will increase by 7% for the Edmundston and Moncton campuses and by 3% for the Shippagan campus.

“We find ourselves in a situation where we need to make up for lost time in maintaining our residences at a time when inflation is significantly increasing the projected cost of urgent work and investments to modernize them,” said Gabriel Cormier, Vice-Rector, Administration and Human Resources.

The construction of new housing units is also a priority to alleviate the current housing crisis. To this end, new housing units are in the approval process at the Edmundston and Moncton campuses, with a second in Moncton planned. The Shippagan campus has made recent investments in this area.


The board also voted to extend Isabelle Brun's interim term as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Administration until June 30, 2024.


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