Whether you are interested in taking courses about the English language or about English literature, or you want a supportive environment to share your creative writing, English at UMCE is the happening place to be.
Vroom lit magazine
Vroom lit magazine is a small, minimalist literary journal. We are dedicated to showcasing poetry and prose written by our English students. While our primary focus is on student writing from UMCE, we do accept a limited number of external submissions during each open period. Please check the submissions page for more details.
Poetry Slams
Join the team!
Devenez bilingue ! L’anglais est une carte sure dans la formation des jeunes.
Une bonne maîtrise de l’anglais améliore votre employabilité.
Au Secteur des arts et lettres, l’anglais... it works! ... ça marche!
[1] https://www.umoncton.ca/umce-artslettres/node/21
[2] mailto:angel.dionne@umoncton.ca