Langues & culture

Formation continue

Langues & culture

Université de Moncton

Langues & culture

Formation continue

Langues & culture

Université de Moncton

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Step by Step Registration: Explore Jeunesse

Step by Step Registration: Explore Jeunesse

Before following this registration process, you must complete a request to get a bursary. Click on the link to apply

Step 1 - Pay your registration and deposit fee 

Within five business days of having received your Welcome email, you must pay the registration and deposit fee of $375 ($275 non-refundable registration fee, plus $100 deposit fee for room keys and material).

Payment by credit card is prefered.

Call Continuing Education Customer Services.
Telephone number: 506-858-4121
Hours of operation: Between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Atlantic Standard Time), Monday to Friday
Accepted credit cards: Visa, Master Card, and American Express

If you cannot pay by credit card, please contact us at 506-858-4121.


Step 2 - Read the information package

It is important to take the time to read the entire Explore Jeunesse information package. It contains all the information you need to plan your trip, get to know the program structure, the program regulations and much more.

Click here to read the information package.


Step 3 – Fill out the Student Data form

Within five business days of having received your Welcome email, fill out the Explore 13-15 Student Data form.


Step 4 - Plan your trip and inform us of your travel itinerary

Refer to the Explore Jeunesse information package (see step 2) for important arrival and departure information necessary to plan your trip.

If travelling by plane, train(1) or bus, you will need your booking confirmation to provide us with the exact details regarding your trip.

Inform us of your travel itinerary and/or method of travel by filling the Explore Jeunesse - Travel Information form.

(1)There are rebates available with the travel companies listed below specifically for Explore Bursary Students, some conditions apply;

Via Rail 8,5% 

To receive your discount, you will need to have the discount code in hand prior to booking your ticket. You, therefore, need to request a letter from our institution confirming your Explore Jeunesse bursary student status. In order to receive this letter, please send an email to, and ask for a Via Rail rebate letter


You have now completed your registration!
We look forward to meeting you on registration day!