Step-by-Step Registration - Explore 16+
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Université de Moncton! We will do our best to make your stay a pleasurable one, and to help you meet your educational goals and objectives in a fun and engaging atmosphere! Below you will find the Step by Step Registration process.
Please note : No registration will be confirmed until all registration documents and full paiment have been received.
1. Step-by-Step Registration For Bursary Participant
(Step-by-Step Registration for Non-bursary Participant, see below)
Once you have received your Welcome to the Explore program email, you must :
Step 1 - Pay your registration and deposit fee
Within five business days of having received your Welcome email, you must pay the registration and deposit fee of $375 ($275 non-refundable registration fee, plus $100 deposit fee for room keys and material).
The following method of payment is accepted:
Credit card : Visa, Master Card, and American Express
Call Continuing Education Customer Services :
Telephone number: 506-858-4121
Hours of operation: Between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Atlantic Standard Time), Monday to Friday
If you cannot pay by credit card, please contact us at 506-858-4121 or send an email to
Step 2 - Read the information package
It is important to take the time to read the entire Explore information package. It contains all the information you need to plan your trip, get to know the program structure, the program regulations and much more.
Step 3 - Fill out the required forms
Within five business days of having received your Welcome email, you must fill out the following form : Explore Student Data Form 2023
Step 4 - Plan your trip and inform us of your travel itinerary
Refer to the Explore information package (see step 2) for important arrival and departure information necessary to plan your trip.
If travelling by plane, train1 or bus, you will need your booking confirmation to provide us with the exact details regarding your trip.
Inform us of your travel itinerary and/or method of travel by filling the Explore Travel Data Form 2023.
1There are rebates available with the travel companies listed below specifically for Explore Bursary Students, some conditions apply;
The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), Official Languages Sector has partnered with Via Rail to offer participants of Explore or Destination Clic in 2022 a discount of 8.5% discount on all train fares available at the time of booking for all classes of service plan available (except for Escape fare in Economy Class and Prestige Class which cannot be combined with a corporate discount).
Youth between 12 and 25 years old will get the youth discount in addition to the 8.5% discount and the students who are 26 and older who have an ISIC card will get the student discount in addition to the 8.5% discount when using the discount code.
All participants (including those who choose Escape fare in Economy Class) must add code 810706 to their profile or quote the code when reserving by telephone at 1-888-VIA-RAIL (842-7245) or at a VIA Rail station ticket office for tracking purposes. Participants reserving on line must first create a profile (detailed instructions are included in Appendix 1 for the convenience of participants), while those reserving by telephone at 1-888-VIA-RAIL should provide the code to the sales agent.
It is very important that participants show their letter from CMEC including their full name and the discount code to the agent when picking up their tickets at the train station or they could be asked for ID on board in case if they have an electronic ticket. Participants who cannot produce the letter will be required to pay full fare. To get this letter from the institution, please send an email to
The discount applies even in the case of a change of reservation (check fare conditions, service charges will apply). It should be noted that participants would comply with the conditions related to the fare they bought.
2. Step-by-Step Registration For Non-bursary Participant
Students who have not received the Explore bursary to attend the program must pay the full amount of the program fees on or before Friday, May 26. 2023.
Step 1 - Pay your program, registration and deposit fee
You must pay program fee (2575$), registration fee (275$) and deposit fee (100$). Only deposit fee is refundable in the end of the program once material returned.
The program fee does NOT cover food and lodging. Food and lodging off campus are the participant's responsability.
The following method of payment is accepted:
Credit card : Visa, Master Card, and American Express
Call Continuing Education Customer Services :
Telephone number: 506-858-4121
Hours of operation: Between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Atlantic Standard Time), Monday to Friday
If you cannot pay by credit card, please contact us at 506-858-4121 or send an email to
Step 2 - Read the information package
It is important to take the time to read the entire Explore information package. It contains all the information you need to plan your trip, get to know the program structure, the program regulations and much more.
Step 3 - Fill out the required forms
You must fill out the following form : Explore Student Data Form 2023.
Step 4 - Plan your trip and inform us of your travel itinerary
Refer to the Explore information package (see step 2) for important arrival and departure information necessary to plan your trip.
If travelling by plane, train or bus, you will need your booking confirmation to provide us with the exact details regarding your trip.
Inform us of your travel itinerary and/or method of travel by filling the Explore Travel Data Form 2023.
You have now completed your registration!
We look forward to meeting you on registration day!
Do you want to enrich your Explore experience?
In June you will be able to register for extra payable outings and activities here: Course, Outings, Activities and More!